
TNA Interested In Having Jeff Hardy Work With Matt Hardy As AEW Contract Nears Expiration

There is a decent chance Jeff Hardy will not re-sign with AEW as TNA wants him him to work with his brother, Matt Hardy.

TNA Jeff Hardy
Credit: WWE

There is a decent chance Jeff Hardy will not re-sign with AEW as TNA wants him him to work with his brother, Matt Hardy.

Come Friday, Jeff Hardy is expected to become a free-agent. Although, AEW could always decide to add more time because he missed months due to injury and being in rehab. We will know soon enough what Tony Khan decides. Even if they keep Jeff around, he probably will not do much. The Hardys (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) both spent the last few years with AEW. Despite their talent and name recognition, they were barely used.

Matt joined AEW first after not re-signing with WWE. He used his Broken gimmick and while popular, it not work without fans present. Eventually, he dropped that gimmick and played heel for a bit. Then, Jeff Hardy literally walked-out of WWE in the middle of a match during a live event. He exited through the crowd and most thought he was under the influence of drugs. Apparently, that was not the case and WWE released him.

Jeff Hardy Could Make The Jump To TNA Like Matt Hardy

TNA Jeff Hardy
Credit: WWE

We saw Jeff join AEW and directly work with his brother. They worked against The Young Bucks in a short program and Jeff even had a match with Darby Allin, that was out of control. Jeff’s past addiction problems returned and following an arrest, he was sent to rehab. Upon returning, we barely saw the two brothers. They wrestled on Rampage, which is never a good sign.

Matt left AEW not too long ago and is working for TNA. Fightul Select reports how TNA is thrilled with Matt and already have him working more dates. They continued how they also want Jeff Hardy. Matt and Jeff both worked for TNA as singles wrestles and in a tag team. Overall, they found major success. If they are looking to retire soon, TNA might be the right place. WWE and AEW have bloated rosters that are not looking to promote older wrestlers. I feel in TNA, both would have more creative control. So, is Jeff Hardy headed to TNA?

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