
AEW Female Wrestlers Issue Video Statement On Creepy Fans

The AEW female wrestlers are tired of fans stalking them night and day seeking an autograph, so they issued a video statement through Saraya.

AEW Female Wrestlers Video
Source: AEW Socialie

The AEW female wrestlers are tired of fans stalking them night and day seeking an autograph, so they issued a video statement through Saraya.

AEW Female Wrestlers Issue Video Statement On Creepy Fans

It took way too long, but female wrestlers are being better presented in the top wresting companies around the world. There is still a longways to go as the dramatic change will take time. 

It depends on perspective, but WWE seems to have a better women’s division than AEW. TNA’s is not bad either.

Although, female wrestlers are still struggling to be treated like their male counterparts. 

One thing they have in common is how fans act. When a wrestlers is performing, it is fine to make comments and take pictures. 

Yet, once the wrestler walks backstage, that should be the end of fan requests. Unfortunately, that is never the case.

It is very common for fans to wait outside a hotel or airport for autographs. Some might be fans, but many want ten plus items signed because they are going to resell it on Ebay. 

The entire situation is rather creepy and scary. When the cameras stop rolling, leave the wrestlers alone. 

They want to eat their cheeseburger in peace or walk through the airport without fear of 30 people charging at them.

It is not cool to do it at 1pm or 1am. Basically, it is borderline rude.

Saraya is familiar with fans flocking in large sums, wanting a signature or picture. Some fans are rather abrupt and Saraya seemed to have enough.

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Here is the a video and a transcript from the humorous, yet very important message.

“We’re female wrestlers,” said Willow Nightingale. “Of course we have bruises and don’t know where they came from.”

“We’re female wrestlers,” said Toni Storm. “Of course I do ten nervous sh-ts before I get out to the ring.

“I’m not a female wrestler, but I get paid to watch the play find their underwear,” said Aubrey Edwards.

“I’m a female wrestler, which means half of you don’t think I have any talent purely because you’re not attracted to me,” said Nyla Rose.

“We’re women’s wrestlers and our stitches matches our outfits,” said Saraya.

We’re female wrestlers and no matter how hard we try, everybody hates us, even though this is our job,” said Kris Statlander.

“And I’m on TV and you’re not, but, like, no matter how hard I try, how hard I work, you don’t know what I’ve been through. Why won’t the internet like us? What do we do?”

Last week, she dropped a video of female AEW wrestlers talking about their frustrations. The video is light on humor, while also delivering an important message.

Already, she has confirmed how another video is coming.

It seems doubtful anything gets resolved by these videos. At least someone is speaking-up about the problem. 

AEW Female Wrestlers Video
Source: AEW Socialie

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