
Video: Gene Snitsky Recreates Controversial 2004 Baby Punting Segment

20 years ago, Gene Snitsky was somewhat of an unknown to WWE fans before punting a baby into a live crowd and he just recreated the spot.

Gene Snitsky Baby Punting
Credit: WWE

20 years ago, Gene Snitsky was somewhat of an unknown to WWE fans before punting a baby into a live crowd and he just recreated the spot.

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There was a time when WWE showed no restraint for angles. They had woman half naked, mixed in with sexual gestures, all while little children watched. It was a different time and none of that content would be allowed in a PG Era. WWE ran an angle where Lita was impregnated by Kane and she did not want the the unborn child. The creepy angle went for weeks until Gene Snitsky entered the fray.

He was unknown and supposed to be a jobber for one night only. Although, his antics got him to stick around WWE for years. After Snitsky hit Kane with a chair, “The Big Red Machine” fell atop Lita and it led to a miscarriage. Remember, this was all a storyline and she was never in-fact pregnant. Snitsky would continue to torture the two, causing him to stroll a baby doll down into the ring. He ranted and then punted the baby into the crowd. It met was with shock, yet almost everyone found it somewhat funny.

Continues Kicking Babies To Huge Applause

Gene Snitsky Baby Punting
Credit: WWE

The segment was so over, fans still search for it today on the computer. In fact, the 54 year old continues to work. The latest skit with a doll took place at Last Match: Pro-Wrestling Rock Experience, as part of a three week tour. They have three shows left in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. 

After his WWE release, Snitsky continued to wrestle. He briefly worked for TNA and since 2023 he has been part of MLW. Also, he returned to WWE for one night in a segment with Chelsea Green saying his famous line, “It Wasn’t My Fault.” So, will Gene Snitsky punting a baby ever get old or has he found the perfect gimmick that always works?

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