Backlash Saves A John Cena Movie

In some crazy news, backlash saves a John Cena movie.

Backlash Saves A John Cena Film
source: @wrestlelamia, twitter, screenshot

In some crazy news, backlash saves a John Cena movie.

The craziest part? This one wasn’t a movie being made that was stalled due to the concurrent Hollywood strikes.

Rather, this movie had already been finished, but due the strikes, it’s release was indefinitely delayed.

The movie in question? Coyote Vs. ACME, an animated film made in conjunction with Warner Brothers.

If the title didn’t give it away, the premise of the completed film was a lawsuit filed by Wil E. Coyote against the ACME Corporation, over the ineffectiveness of their gimmicks, gizmos and gadgets.

Yes, seriously.

Now, I grew up watching so many of the cartoons, and who didn’t love a good Roadrunner versus Coyote cartoon?

Backlash Saves A John Cena Film
source: @wrestlelamia, twitter, screenshot

But..imagine that this above movie was indeed made…and then studio executives decided to throw it all away.

It nearly happened…until it didn’t. And it may not even have been primarily because of who was starring in the film.

Backlash Saves A John Cena Movie

Now that both the writers and actors strikes have concluded, Hollywood studios are slowly but surely getting back to normal.

Part of that includes deciding what movies are releasing and when. But, in spite of being completed, word leaked that Warner was inclined to scrap the finished project and take a hefty tax write-off instead.

How much would that have really hurt, especially given the funny premise?

Well, as creative types caught wind of the questionable decision…it generated backlash that WB probably had not expected.

Per the Hollywood Reporter, as shared with us via Wrestling Inc, other film makers and creative types, in a form of protest, began cancelling meetings with the studio to protest the decision.

And…it worked!

Sort of, anyways.

Backlash Saves A John Cena Movie
source: @prowfinesse, twitter, screenshot

Rather than take the write-off, the studio has agreed to allow the director involved to shop the finished film. Early reports indicate that Amazon Prime is a strong possibility.

I mean…it’s a completed movie, with a well-known talent attached to it. Given the lack of production in recent months, I have to believe there will be a market for this film.

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