If they have a say, The Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) want to conclude their pro wrestling careers in WWE.
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When it pertains to wrestling, The Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) have been seemingly everywhere. WWE, TNA, AEW and a few other promotions they have called home. Lately, they have been with TNA, although they do not have long-term contracts.
On The Extreme Life Of Matt Hardy, Matt Hardy was honest in wanting to retire with Jeff in WWE. “WWE was our birthplace,” said Matt Hardy. “Without the WWE, we wouldn’t have become who we ultimately became. Whatever you think our legacy is, that happened because of WWE giving us an opportunity. We’ve said this before and I’ve said this on this podcast, ad nauseam that I think we want to finish in WWE now because that is our home. That seems like the right way to do it. I think we want to finish our deal at WWE, end our careers there and do a Hall of Fame thing. We’ll see.”
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Matt then briefly discussed their stint in AEW. He thought the time there was cool, but wanted to conclude in WWE. Matt left WWE when his contract ended. Jeff wanted out too, but WWE kept him around for a few extra months. At one point, Jeff literally left WWE in the middle of live event match.
We are seeing a pattern of Matt and Jeff jumping around companies. With their style, they do not have another 10 years in the business. In fact, they could call it a career at any moment. If they want the most attention, then go with WWE. So, do you want to see The Hardy Boyz retire in WWE?