Has Matt Riddle Made Peace With Roman Reigns?

matt riddle roman reigns
Credit: wwe

Now a former Superstar, he was known for bold statements while in WWE-so has Matt Riddle made peace with Roman Reigns?

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Matt Riddle was known for many things while he was a WWE Superstar. One of them was not minding his own business. Nor was he known as someone who exuded humility when it came to his fight game. The former MMA fighter was confident, that much is for sure. During his time with the company, he took shots at legends like Goldberg and Brock Lesnar. At times, he declared that he could beat each of them. But his mouth got him in trouble with Roman Reigns too.

So are they cool?

matt riddle roman reigns
Credit: wwe

Several years back, Reigns took a shot about how CM Punk didn’t draw (among others). Riddle, not one to miss a shot he could take, chimed in during an interview that Roman Reigns couldn’t either, and that he was only where he was because of his family. Mind you, this came before the Bloodline had fully become what we know it as. Reigns wasn’t happy, and Riddle ultimately had to write the Tribal Chief an apology-with Randy Orton’s assist.

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So, the now former Superstar was recently interviewed by the New York Post. The topic of his relationship with Roman Reigns came up. So has Riddle made peace with the former Undisputed WWE Champion? As the Original Bro puts it, the two talked. He explained to Reigns that he was cutting a promo, as happens during these interviews at times. He said Roman didn’t like it, but they cleared the air and are, as Riddle put it, good. And he even said he wouldn’t put it out there if it wasn’t true. Should he fib about that, it surely would not endear him to anyone in WWE-should he ever want to come back. So, do you believe Matt Riddle and Roman Reigns made peace or na?

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