
The Godfather Vouched For His Hoes If They Brought Him The Best Weed

In a hilarious story, The Godfather retells getting weed from the hoes he brought to WWE TV because that is what a legit pimp does.

The Godfather Hoes Weed
Credit: WWE

In a hilarious story, The Godfather retells getting weed from the hoes he brought to WWE TV because that is what a legit pimp does.

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During the Attitude Era, WWE really pushed boundaries. As a result, cursing and nudity became a regular feature on weekly TV. One of the superstars WWE created was The Godfather. Basically, he was a pimp who would offer his opponents a night with hoes instead of a match. It actually sounds better than most think.

On Six Feet Under with The Undertaker, The Godfather went over getting hoes from strip clubs and then getting weed; which he is a huge fan of. “When I’m in town, all you have to do is show up and say you’re one of Godfather’s girls and I’ll vouch for you,” said The Godfather. “This is what I want. I want your girlfriend, your boyfriend, whoever is your friend, to get me the best weed you can get. Your girlfriend, boyfriend, or significant other will be so glad that you’re not doing this that they’re going to get me some good weed. The girls would show up and that’s where I would get it from. After you made the loop once or twice, you’d get to know the girls, so the girls would bring it to me.”

The Godfather And Undertaker Have A Long Friendship

The Godfather Hoes Weed
Credit: WWE

This time also saw The Godfather become good friends with The Undertaker. Clearly, that friendship is strong decades later. We do not hear from The Godfather often, so enjoy the story. Hopefully, he returns and shares more tales with The Undertaker.

As for The Undertaker, he is enjoying retirement. After somewhat overstaying his welcome, he retired at WrestleMania 36. He did appear in the main event of WrestleMania 40, helping Cody Rhodes get the victory over Roman Reigns. The unexpected appearance was done very well and he could easily walkaway from WWE. So, what do you make of The Godfather using hoes to get the best weed?

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