
Mark Henry On No Retirement Match: My Body Said F— Your Plan

Despite such a lengthy career in WWE and then AEW, former Olympian, Mark Henry, goes over how his back ruined any retirement match.

Mark Henry Retirement Match
Credit: WWE

Despite such a lengthy career in WWE and then AEW, former Olympian, Mark Henry, goes over how his back ruined any retirement match.

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Few can say they actually made it to WWE. Then, that number gets even smaller if you talk about talent that only wrestled for WWE. You can probably count on one hand how many times that has happened. On of those few wrestlers is none other than Mark Henry. He signed with WWE in 1996 and lasted until 2021. By that point, he officially retired from in-ring competition and began working backstage for WWE. It did not last long and in May 2021, he was part of AEW.

Now, Henry never wrestled a match in AEW. He would work the commentary table at times and was used to hype the Rampage main event. That was it. Honestly, AEW did utilize him before his contract expired about 10 days ago.

The Body Of Mark Henry Could Not Go Anymore

Mark Henry Retirement Match
Credit: WWE

He has not been a free-agent for long, but everyone wants to know about one more match. While on Insight With Chris Van Vliet, Henry revealed his body simply cannot take more damage. “My body said, man, f— your plan,” said Henry. “My back gave out. It just never allowed me [to compete] and I can probably have surgery. I keep putting it off because I just want to keep moving around. But, eventually, I’m gonna have to just get it fixed.”

For those who might not recall, Henry famously did a fake retirement bit with John Cena a decade ago. It was all a ruse and maybe the best example of fooling the fans. Truly, a moment that caught everyone off guard. And, it saw Henry get a nice push. He is in the WWE Hall of Fame and is former World Heavyweight Champion. hence I do not think there is much to left. Although, he was convinced for one more quick appearance during he Greatest Royal Rumble ever. He probably made like $500,000 for 2 minutes of work. Not a bad deal. So, does Mark Henry really need a retirement match?

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