Though he may be gone far too soon, we have yet another feel-good Bray Wyatt story to talk about.
In the time since his shocking and tragic death, fans have had many tales told about the late Windham Rotunda.
Just when you thought you couldn’t hear any more, we indeed have one more.
I’d bet there will be more. I am already anxiously awaiting the bio-pic, or the documentary, or some other special we will surely get…in time.
For now…get a load of this.

Last year, as everyone knows, we were treated to one incredibly intricate and engaging set of teasers, all leading up to Wyatt’s amazing and electric return in Philadelphia.
What we may not have known (I certainly did not) was how and where and with whom Wyatt trained for that much-wanted and sadly short-lived return.
For his return, Bray Wyatt worked with Natalya and Tyson Kidd in their new Dungeon.
Which leads us to…
Another Feel-Good Bray Wyatt Story
Natalya recently spoke with Chris Van Vliet, and she detailed the experience of working so closely with the deceased former Superstar.
Part of why we didn’t know about the training was, of course, the idea of keeping that a surprise.
Also, as Natalya mentioned, they have people training with them often, and not everyone wants that shared.
That was true with Wyatt, and they respected it (but seriously, if Wyatt’s kind of obvious return got leaked that way? Ouch).
Training isn’t the feel-good story, of course.
Wyatt, appreciative for the time and facility, told the trainers he wanted to purchase something for them, for the Dungeon.

Nattie declined, but it was one way you could see the real person Windham Rotunda was.
So, while he did not give them any sort of material return for the opportunity to train…he did what so many veterans do, and likely did for him too.
He helped out, he offered feedback and suggestions to anyone interested, and shared his knowledge and experience with them.
Wyatt may be gone, but he will not soon be forgotten.