
WWE Superstars Who Used Social Media to Air Their Grievances!

Social media is a powerful tool, especially for WWE wrestlers! Many wrestlers have used social media to air their grievances, but also used it to get more opportunities within the company. So, a WWE superstar complaining on social media is not uncommon. Here are some of the superstars who have taken to social media to whine or signal unhappiness in the past.


It is no secret that Bayley struggled since she came up from NXT. The ‘Hugger’ gimmick did not hit off as well as the WWE had hoped, leaving Bayley to play a B-list role at best.

Even though fans take Bayley a little more seriously at the moment, there was a time when Bayley struggled a lot with her role in the company. During this time, she quoted loads of lyrics from Paramore and gave us a glimpse of the struggle that took place on the inside.


Rusev is one of the most prolific of the WWE superstars on social media. The Bulgarian Brute has little qualms about airing his grievances online, albeit in a subterfuge fashion.

Since the start of ‘Rusev Day,’ Rusev has been quite vocal about his role in the company and how the WWE is not using him right. I could not agree with him more.

Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy is another superstar who is known to use social media to air his issues. He made a very public stink about his problems with Impact Wrestling regarding the acquisition of the ‘Broken’/’Woken’ gimmick.

Hardy is not afraid to put out information about his personal life either. In 2011, he even used his social media as a cry for help. Fortunately, concerned fans picked up on the post and instantly called 911.

“Goodbye, World… My time here is Almost complete… I only have a few hours & minutes… I loved you all… Regardless of how you felt about me… I’ll miss you all… September 23, 1974 – August 31, 2011.”

Sasha Banks

It is no secret that Sasha Banks is not happy with her role on the main roster. While in NXT, Sasha Banks was one of the most promising talents. Once she came up to the main roster, she had some legendary matches with Charlotte, only to fall into the background later.

The Revival recently returned to NXT, mainly due to the fact the tag team did not hit off on the main roster. Sasha Banks replied to their return indicating a desire to return to the developmental brand.

Daniel Bryan

Fan favorite Daniel Bryan has also released some statements about his frustration with the WWE, mostly during the time where he was waiting for WWE to clear him.

Why Do WWE Superstars Use Social Media Like This?

Working for a big company makes it likely your voice is left unheard after some time, so it is not uncommon for WWE superstars to vent their frustrations elsewhere.

Social media gives fans a glimpse into the lives of WWE superstars, but all statements should always be taken with a grain of salt. It is not uncommon for superstars to use their social media for storylines, so many of their comments are subject to speculation.

Do you think it is a good idea for superstars to vent their frustrations online?

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