
WrestleMania Main Event Controversy, Wade Barrett Teases Return

wrestlemania main event controversy
Source: custom, WWE Twitter screenshot

Based on some social media chatter, we might have a WrestleMania main event controversy unfolding on SmackDown. Plus, Wade Barrett teases a return to the squared circle.

WrestleMania Main Event Controversy

Following the end of Sunday’s match, would it surprise you to hear we may have a WrestleMania main event controversy brewing?

wrestlemania main event controversy

I personally speculated about such a controversy in a write up of WrestleMania’s night 2 main event. Fans on social media were even more vocal about it, and it seems there may be something to it.

That exchange prompted the main event official, Charles Robinson, to respond.

Which then got Adam Pearce summoning Robinson to his office before SmackDown on Friday.

There was plenty of discussion in the full thread, with someone pointing out that if it really was a double pin, then they would effectively cancel each other out, meaning Roman Reigns is still the champion.
That was a take that Little Naitch’ agreed with, by the way.

So, what do we make of it?

Considering WWE changed the name of the next PPV to be called “WrestleMania Backlash” instead of just Backlash, a WrestleMania main event controversy feeds into that planning.

Many expected that WrestleMania would be the end of the line for Daniel Bryan’s quest. They also figured Edge would be victorious.

It’s entirely possible that neither is true quite yet. If WWE has no other viable challengers planned for Reigns just yet…why not go back to the well?

Having one last match, either a singles match with Edge or another triple threat with stipulations for the finish, could work.

It also wouldn’t shock me if WWE were to use the controversy to plant seeds for an eventual Edge-Reigns battle at say, SummerSlam.

You know…the next big WWE PPV, where we once again expect a live audience.

We should find out more on SmackDown later this week!

Wade Barrett Teases Return

Ever since he came back, people were waiting for it. Now, Wade Barrett teases a possible return to the WWE as a wrestler.

wade barrett teases return

Barrett, former leader of the Nexus faction, as well as a former Intercontinental Champion, has not wrestled in WWE in about five years. He didn’t step away due to being over the hill…so should he want to return, there ought to be plenty left in the tank.

The possibility of a return for him came up on WWE’s show, After The Bell.

His NXT broadcast partner asked if he would, and Barrett did not shoot the idea down.

Wade Barrett did make extra certain to stress that he is very happy with his current announcing duties. He said he is having a lot of fun now, doing something he has wanted to do for a long time.

However, he also wasn’t shy about saying it wouldn’t take much more than a nice opportunity and a nice payday to get him to consider a return back to the ring.

WWE has often used retired or otherwise injured Superstars in the announcer role, and many times, they’ve returned back to wrestling.

Macho Man Randy Savage comes to mind. More recently, Daniel Bryan did as well. 

We could include Dio Madden too, and possibly Samoa Joe once again.

Could Wade Barrett be on that list soon? It’s possible, and considering his UK heritage, and the presence in NXT of a certain WALTER…there could be a great shot there (and plenty of others).

Barrett getting back into the ring could be bad news for some Superstars…

Introduced to professional wrestling in the 1980’s thanks to Superstars and Saturday Night’s Main Event, John’s passion for the... More about John Deegan

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