
What Caused MVP-Jericho Rift, Another NXT Superstar Released

reason mvp jericho rift
source: @ReneLop82721969, twitter, screenshot

While they used to be friends and co-workers, they are neither anymore…so what caused the MVP-Jericho rift that we just recently heard about? And, yet another NXT Superstar has been released.

What Caused MVP-Jericho Rift

News of their issues surfaced recently, which has led us to ask: what caused the MVP-Chris Jericho rift?

It was reported that the two, who crossed paths in WWE and who were at one point friends, had a falling out.

There was not a ton of clarity to that initially, just that things were ice cold between them.

As is often the case, however, time provides us with answers, or at least a little bit of clarity.

According to a report via Fightful, the pair had a chance to talk at a recent AEW event, where MVP was taking in the action.

The conversation turned to topics concerning social issues, as well as politics.

caused mvp-jericho rift

Folks, these are two hot button topics that are often best left out of friendly conversations.

Otherwise, they are good conversations to have if you want to lose a friend.

And that seems to be what happened here. The two man talked, and they got heated about their different views on what is going on, socially and politically, in the world today.

Unfortunately, it was not a disagreement where they could agree to disagree but remain friends.

After a long and successful career, both in wrestling and in music, Jericho doesn’t usually hold back.

Neither does MVP.

And, when the two old friends got together, opposite views clashed, and now the old friends are former friends.

Not that he would have been looking, but it seems unlikely MVP will be making a push to head to AEW any time soon.

However, time can heal a lot of wounds, so perhaps it will fix the MVP-Jericho rift too.

Another NXT Superstar Released

It’s another day, and another NXT Superstar has been released.

In this particular instance, we barely even got to know him.

The Don of NXT now has one fewer person in his entourage, as Two Dimes was released.

According to the Wrestling Observer, Two Dimes, otherwise known as Troy Donovan, was released from his NXT contract recently.

causeed mvp-jericho rift

Per the report, it was noted that Donovan had violated a WWE policy. There is no mention of what policy was violated.

It is also unclear if the violation was the sole reason for his departure, or if it was just the last straw.

The departure of Two Dimes is just the latest in a run of rapid NXT releases, in line with what the new plan seems to be.

If someone does not want to be there, or if the talent team does not see a main roster future for them, WWE does not waste time anymore.

This new approach has led to a number of unpopular moves, but it is just the less glamorous side of the business.

In any case, Tony D will be working with one less family member. Unless WWE opts to bring in some new blood at some point soon.


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