There have been some amazing tag teams over the years, with many leaving a lasting impression on the WWE and some even changing the tag team division forever. Curious what the best tag teams in WWE history are? Check out our list below to find out!
Edge and Christian
Edge and Christian undoubtedly belong to the most iconic tag team in history. Not only did they impress in the ring, they also had comedic value to them. Edge and Christian still play an active role in WWE television, albeit with their cunning humor instead of in-ring ability.
The Hardy Boyz
When you mention Edge and Christian as one of the best tag teams of all time, you have to mention the Hardy Boyz as well!
The Hardy Boyz have always been one of the best tag teams in the world. Heights, ladders, and even titatrons weren’t safe!
The Rock and Mankind
Even though The Rock and Mankind were big wrestlers in their own right, something magical happened when they joined one another in a tag team. The two could not have been more different, but boy did they provide some excellent television.
The British Bulldogs
One of the best tag teams of the 80s, The British Bulldogs could not be missing from our list. The team consisted of Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith, who made the most of their strengths in the ring.
Even though Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith put on a lot of good matches, some of their most memorable occurred during their feud with the Hart Foundation.
The Dudley Boyz
Despite their underwhelming final run in the WWE, the Dudley Boyz will be remembered forever in hardcore wrestling circles. Known for catchphrases such as “D-Von get the tables!” and “Oh brother, testify!” the Dudley Boyz made a lasting impact in the wrestling division. Of course, this with the help with a few tables, too!
The Legion of Doom
When it came to presentation, none did it better than Hawk and Animal a.k.a. The Legion of Doom. Of course, their in-ring work certainly complemented their imposing presence.
Many tag teams have attempted to capture the imposing nature of the Legion of Doom, with the most recent the AOP, who have been using quite a similar “imposing gimmick” since their time in NXT. Even though AOP made that gimmick their own, I am sure some of the inspiration came from the Legion of Doom.
The New Day
When we are talking about the best tag teams in history, I believe The New Day have already conquered their spot on that list. They make every match entertaining and put their heart and soul into every minute of TV time. They are certainly worthy of a prime spot in this list!
The Usos
Talk about exquisite in-ring performance, you cannot get past The Usos. Even though they were overlooked for years and often booked in pre-shows, The Usos persisted and became multiple-time champions.
The Usos did well with their face gimmick and struck gold with their “Uso penitentiary” gimmick, too. Finally, they can show how good they are on the mic as heels, and boy do we love it!
The Bar
When they were put together in a tag team, fans thought the WWE had gone crazy. At the time, Sheamus was a heel with some serious heat behind him, while Cesaro was one of the most popular faces in the company. Still, the unique combination worked leading them to capture titles numerous times.
Gallows and Anderson
They may be underused and underestimated in the WWE, but we all know what a wonderful team the Good Brothers make. Gallows and Anderson have been a stalwart in the world of commercial and indie wrestling over the years.
The Hart Foundation
While this tag team may have been before your time (or not), the Heart Foundation will always be remembered. Managed by Jimmy Hart and consisting of Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart (current WWE wrestler Natalya’s father) and Bret “The Hitman” Hart, the popular tag team won the tag team titles several times.