Open Season: Patriotic Wrestlers

While the calendar flips to July, Americans have their eyes focused on Tuesday the Fourth of July. Backyard cook outs, pool time, beach time. It’s all coming up. But somewhere in there, we’ve always had a patriotic wrestler or two. It’s just about the easiest way for a wrestler to get over as a babyface, when you think about it. Want to turn a guy face? Have him declare is love for America. Especially when done in America (duh), this is a good move. So, in honor of those guys, and the American holiday I will be celebrating on Tuesday, I figured I’d trot out my top patriotic wrestling memories, and see what else my wonderful readers want to add in. I will preface this by saying: I am 39. I predominantly watched WWE until I was a teen, then I mixed in WCW and ECW. So, I am going to be skewed from the mid 80’s on, with a heavy WWE slant (but, for the sake of doing it, I also remember the Patriot, Del Wilkes. Don’t hold it against me!

1. The Undertaker

Not even thinking about his American Bad Ass gimmick, this one is all about…Survivor Series? Yep, that to me is when he really turned his corner. The Steiners had assembled a team but needed another man to go against a group of America hating heels. So, out comes the Undertaker, and to answer the invite, he opens his trench coat as he was known to do. In the lining of that coat, instead of it being it’s usual dark color, this coat had an American flag sewn in. I remember seeing that moment, and I can still remember how awesome it was.

2. Lex Luger

Here’s a perfect example of a heel turning face, all because of the power of the flag. Luger started his big WWE run as a heel, but during that Summer, WWE Champion Yokozuna issued an open bodyslam challenge on the deck of the USS Intrepid in New York. Luger, decked out in flag attire, answered the call and managed to slam the champ (it was really a hip toss, but let’s call it a slam). And with that, a SummerSlam program was born. It worked, as it hooked lots of fans. That SummerSlam was the very first one I remember watching.

3. Kane

Ah, Kane. This one is a simple-but awesome-return. Remember when a group of heels were threatening to burn the American flag on RAW? Well, we know who on the RAW roster most loves to dabble in pyromania, right? So, just when it seemed like Old Glory was going down in a blaze of glory, Kane’s entrance hit and the Devil’s Favorite Demon returned and saved the day.

4. John Cena

You could go with so many options here. His program with Rusev. His work with the Tribute to the Troops. It’s the tribute that really drives it home for me, and I think it’s his pride in doing such good deeds that keeps him from ever turning heel. But, my hats off to him.

5. Hulk Hogan

Seriously, for Hogan, you merely need to queue up his original and most beloved theme song and the rest is history. But he’s had plenty of patriotic programs, taking on all sorts of wrestlers wanting to harm the United States. Maybe it helped push his popularity even further, maybe it didn’t. One thing is for sure though: when that music hit, you got goosebumps!

WNZ readers, who are your most favorite patriotic wrestlers? Or, moments?

Introduced to professional wrestling in the 1980’s thanks to Superstars and Saturday Night’s Main Event, John’s passion for the ... More about John Deegan
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