Details You Missed On The August 8th Monday Night Raw

Monday Night Raw

Monday Night Raw was fun and featured one of the more subtle and entertaining bits of WWE storytelling I’ve seen in a while. 

Here are a few details you may have missed. 

“Los Mysterios” Shirt

Do these Los Mysterios T-shirts look familiar? If you’ve been a long-time fan, you should recognize the style.

The shirt mirrors Eddie’s classic “Latino Heat” shirt.

The Tag Team Title Tournament

These teams seemed a bit thrown together except for Sky & Kai, Doudrop, and ASH. I think the winner faces a returning Banks and Naomi to unify the titles. 

The Car Wreck

During Kevin Owens’ interview backstage, did you notice the car wreck happening in the background? 

The WWE Twitter account took note of the chaos backstage. Including cops running all over the place. 

The story told in the background culminated in the main roster debut of Dexter Lumis. 


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I enjoyed this bit of storytelling throughout the night. It wasn’t shoving your face in it. The commentators didn’t even acknowledge anything until we barely saw Lumis out of the corner of the screen as police were escorting him out. The moment took on its virality, and WWE allowed people to form their conclusions about the story.

It was…dare I say…refreshing.

Ciampa’s US Title 

I loved the story they told with Ciampa tonight. I love the added motivation and story. Ciampa should be a good guy.

Ciampa dedicated his match to Harley Race. 

Ciampa came to the ring wearing a robe similar to that of wrestling icon Race.

Race was the first man to hold the United States Title.

Here’s Ciampa talking about when he worked and trained under Race.

[video_player type=”youtube” id=”RhlBhkTTaJ0″ playerid=”b4Kcmo16″ ratio=”landscape” credit=”” crediturl=””]

I dug Monday Night Raw, a continued emphasis on wrestling and building new stories and new wrestlers. 

Share your thoughts on Monday Night Raw in the comments below.

Next, Read This: RAW In A Nutshell: Will The Red Brand Make Cleveland Rock

Hunter Patterson is a writer based in Los Angeles. He loves writing about pop culture, popcorn, and pro wrestling. ... More about Hunter Patterson
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