Latest Updates On Sasha Banks’ WWE Status

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Is Sasha Banks officially released from WWE? The answer, at least publically, is no. According to various reports she either is released, is using lawyers to get a release, or is about to come back to WWE.

Raj Giri is a supposed insider who first broke the release news earlier this month. Giri’s scoop has not been confirmed by anyone.

Will Sasha Banks Return to WWE?

“Never Say Never.” I think she will be back, just not immediately. Despite the narrative that “Hollywood is waiting on her” following her guest spot on The Mandalorian, Sasha is still primarily known as a wrestler and WWE Superstar. Unlike the Rock or John Cena, she has not built her name recognition enough outside of WWE fandom to make an immediate impact in Hollywood. 

It is still unclear what Banks and Naomi walked out. The prevailing wisdom seems to be the two were worried about the status of their time as tag champs and WWE deemphasizing the titles.

But there is no faster way to get your title deemphasized than by leaving. 

On Believing The Wrestling Media At All

But among all of this speculation, a familiar and tired question I have remains: Is the wrestling media reliable?

All of these rumors should be contextualized in a larger conversation about whether or not wrestling media is capable of delivering actual news. Perhaps the biggest example of this of all time is no one in the wrestling media having any idea that Vince McMahon was under investigation for nearly three months

A lot of veterans, like JBL, maintain that Dave Meltzer is merely a puppet for the wrestling industry and is mostly there to launder gossip and storylines.

Ric Flair, Chris Jericho, and countless others have been accused of running to Meltzer to push their agendas. Why do we believe the wrestling media? What value do these “insiders” have when all they seem to do is spoil certain surprises while being oblivious to any real news? 

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Hunter Patterson is a writer based in Los Angeles. He loves writing about pop culture, popcorn, and pro wrestling.... More about Hunter Patterson

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