Hard work can pay off, as one former Superstar reportedly gets a promotion. Plus, showing it is not all bad news, we’ve learned that Johnny Ace has a soft side.
Former Superstar Gets Promoted
While some talent is storming off, one former Superstar gets promoted.
OK, fine, this promotion is not at all tied to, or related at all to, the issues with Sasha Banks and Naomi.
Well, except that all involved have been working on RAW.

While the tag champs stormed off of RAW this week, it seems one former Superstar gets promoted.
The former Superstar is still around WWE, and has been working backstage for RAW.
Recently, Ariya Daivari landed a gig trying out as a WWE producer. During that phase, any producer who is trying out usually gets a veteran producer as their training wheels.
It was no different for Daivari. But according to Fightful, as of this week’s tapings, Ariya Daivari was flying solo.
That would seem to indicate that the former Superstar gets himself a promotion, an indication he’s been doing well in his new role.
Thus far it seems his efforts have been mostly on display on Main Event and similar tapings, but you have to start somewhere.
New faces, new names and new ideas in matches is never a bad idea.
Johnny Ace Has A Soft Side
Now, some WWE top brass have earned a bad reputation…but it seems Johnny Ace indeed has a soft side.
So says Jillian Hall, via her own Twitter feed.
So many people want to bash @WWE for how they treat their talent, but it’s a business, like any other. It’s a tv show! Did u know in spring (I think) 2009 I lost a baby while on the active roster? I had a complete mental breakdown in LA. I was booked for RAW but.. (cont)
— jillian hall (@jillianhall00) May 16, 2022
(Cont) John Laurinaitis handled it so gracefully. He got me on a flight home and found me a dr immediately for intense therapy for the next 6 weeks. I was off the road for a bit and checked on frequently. They made sure I was totally ok before returning to work.
— jillian hall (@jillianhall00) May 16, 2022
It is so easy for fans of WWE to find bad news about the company.

Whether it’s the mass releases…or talent having a choice and taking the exit. There are a lot of bad stories out there.
We don’t even have to dig that deep, as the most recent RAW gave us the latest concerning story.
For all the concerning tidbits we’ve heard about WWE in recent years, it’s nice to see that John Laurinaitis did, and likely still does, have a soft side.
There are business decisions, and then there are good human decisions.
When a former WWE talent suffers a miscarriage, that requires a good human decision, and John Laurinatis did what was the right thing to do.
Still, some fans ripped Hall for actually giving WWE some good publicity…proving once again, some fans won’t ever be happy.