
Ric Flair Frustrated At WWE, Networks Unhappy At Bray Wyatt Release

Ric Flair Frustrated WWE

Ric Flair was recently granted his release from the WWE. Reports now surface that he wasn’t overly happy with WWE Creative. See below for more information.

Ric Flair Frustrated With WWE

At the age of 72, Ric Flair is now a free agent. The two-time WWE Hall of Famer is free to go to another company.

Any wrestling promotion would benefit highly from the Nature Boy. He’s undoubtedly one of the biggest superstars of all time.

Interestingly, Naitch was unhappy enough with the WWE to request a release. Fightful Select offered some insight around this with a recent report.

Ric Flair Overly Frustrated With WWE Creative

According to the report, Flair was frustrated with WWE Creative. He reached out to Vince McMahon and stated his opinion before requesting the release.

As per Fightful Select, Flair grew tired of specific booking decisions on RAW. He contacted VKM and voiced his frustrations.

He then asked for his release. The rest, as they say, is history.

For those that remember, Flair was a part of the Lacey Evans/Charlotte Flair program early this year. In fact, it’s been stated that Evans was slated to become RAW Women’s Champion during the storyline.

Evans ended up expecting in real life. As such, the entire angle was scrapped.

The bad news is that Ric Flair will no longer be seen in the WWE. The good news is, he could end up in AEW.

Speaking of recently released WWE superstars, fans were shocked to learn that Bray Wyatt was let go from the company this past weekend. Many fans were frustrated by the decision.

From the sounds of it, the WWE Universe wasn’t the only one upset with the decision. Television network partners also seem disappointed.

Networks Unhappy At Bray Wyatt Release

WrestleMania Match Possibly Off

Source: WWE, Twitter, Screenshot

“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt was a major draw for the WWE. He also had an organic connection with the fans.

Andrew Zarian from Mat Men Pro Wrestling recently tweeted some interesting information about Bray Wyatt’s release. He offered a quote from someone at either FOX or the USA Network.

It provides insight into the disappointment the network feels over Windham Rotunda’s release. Check it out, below.

As you can see, the network isn’t only frustrated, but a little scared. After all, Rotunda was a “top star” in the WWE.

Bray Wyatt Also Had Issues With WWE Creative

Another report revealed that Bray Wyatt was frustrated with WWE Creative, too. This had to do with his angles, plus, he was quite protective over his characters.

Sadly, as he moves on, those gimmicks still belong to VKM and the WWE.

Andrew Zain also tweeted that he speaks to many networks each week. While they aren’t big wrestling fans, for the most part, they do know names.

He added that Bray Wyatt was a name that was known. So it seems that Wyatt’s release wasn’t only a disappointment to the fans, but also the higher-ups.

It’s hard to say what Wyndham Rotunda does next. However, he’s an extreme talent, so the opportunities are endless.

From his creative mind to in-ring talent, and mic skills, he can do anything in the land of professional wrestling. Maybe even beyond the squared circle.

Dorathy's been an avid fan of the WWE and sports entertainment since she was a small child. She attended... More about Dorathy Gass

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