
5 WWE Wrestlers Who Would Be Better Off At All Elite Wrestling

WWE wrestlers who should move to All Elite Wrestling

There are countless WWE wrestlers I would love to see move to All Elite Wrestling. Of course, there are 5 that take priority in my opinion.

But which five WWE wrestlers should move to All Elite Wrestling? And what are the reasons for this potential move?

Aleister Black

Aleister Black

The reason why I chose Aleister Black is pretty obvious. After all, the wrestler is currently dealing with the main roster curse. 

Despite being extremely talented, the main roster has not done him any favors. In fact, the main roster killed any momentum Aleister Black originally had. 

To give you a stark contrast, here is what Aleister used to look like in NXT.

[video_player type=”youtube” id=”5h1sQt3X2Bc” playerid=”b4Kcmo16″ ratio=”landscape” credit=”” crediturl=””]

Main roster WWE has a serious lack of vision and creativity, and this has cost Aleister Black. The once imposing Dutch giant is now just a husk of himself.

Yet, his interesting striking style would have been an amazing addition to the main roster. Of course, the WWE missed the boat completely with that one.

In my opinion, Aleister Black should move to AEW faster than his feet can take him! There’s no scripts, fewer restrictions, and plenty of room for his gimmick.

Let’s hope the main roster does not cost another valuable wrestler his future career. In short, move to AEW before it is too late!

Ember Moon

In spite of her amazing gimmick, Ember Moon has always taken a backseat to the four horsewomen. While the WWE focused on capitalizing on Flair, Bayley, Banks and Lynch, Moon was left waiting.

And it seems that the waiting game has not changed. Moon barely got a chance on the main roster and was promptly moved back to NXT.

Ember Moon will always be overlooked by the WWE at this point. The reason behind it I will never know.

But Moon could not only move to AEW to find opportunity. In fact, she could be the medicine the brand’s women division needs!

We all know that the All Elite women’s wrestling division could use a little TLC. Ember Moon is a star, and she could make AEW’s women division even better than the WWE’s. 

Of course, AEW does need to put more time in the women’s division. Or more aptly, the brand should allow women more television time.

While Hikaru Shida, Nyla Rose, and even Britt Baker have done wonders, the brand does need something extra. In my opinion, Ember Moon could be that something special that makes AEW Women’s Division the best!

Mustafa Ali

WWE wrestler frustrated with bookings, NXT wrestler injured

Mustafa Ali always seems to draw the short straw when it comes to his bookings. Despite heaps of talent and being a really nice guy, the WWE refuses to put itself behind him.

It is widely known that Vince McMahon prefers bigger men to run his promotion. When you look at some of the success stories over the years, these rumors could easily be seen as fact.

And this might be exactly what is plaguing Mustafa Ali. Maybe he does not fit Vince’s ‘big men’ mold? 

Ali would be a wonderful choice for All Elite Wrestling, especially given his high flying style. Just look at some of the competitors he could face, including Kenny Omega and Sammy Guevara.

The AEW singles division is on fire, so now would be the perfect chance to take a leap of faith. Because no matter how loyal you are to Vince, the same should not be expected in return.

For many reasons, Mustafa Ali is one of the wrestlers who should consider All Elite Wrestling. My advice to him was to put some feelers out there, especially since this year has shown the WWE has no loyalty towards its employees. 


WWE Cesaro

You may wonder why I would move Cesaro given the fact he is being pushed. Well, there is logic behind the madness, so here it goes!

Cesaro may receive a push now, but I believe that is in large part due to the support of the WWE Universe. For many years, insider sources claim Vince does not believe in Cesaro.

The reasons behind Vince’s dislike are too silly to be believed. From moves that are too flashy to Cesaro being boring, it has all been reported over the years.

In short, Cesaro’s push will fade as it usually does. Although it remains to be seen if he will get a title before this happens.

Either way, if Cesaro wants to be a bigger wrestling star, the WWE is not the place to do it. Even though the man is insanely talented in the ring, his value is completely lost among the WWE brass.

Despite the fact that Cesaro may not be seen as an A-lister among management, fans see it differently. If Cesaro could be one of the wrestlers to head to All Elite Wrestling in the coming years, it could be a game changer!

Kevin Owens

KO should be one of the wrestlers to move to All Elite Wrestling - AEW

 Kevin Owens is a wrestling veteran at this point, but I am so tired of seeing him in worn out feuds. Even more so, his booking have been subpar for a long time.

The only real amazing point was his brief return to NXT. Only there did he receive the appreciation this wrestler truly deserves.

[video_player type=”youtube” id=”Xyf9xd89U” playerid=”b4Kcmo16″ ratio=”landscape” credit=”” crediturl=””]

When I watch this moment, I get genuine goosebumps each and every single time. In fact, I actually get tears in my eyes believe it or not!

You don’t get moments like this on the main roster. All you get is a watered down scripted mess under Vince McMahon’s roster of fear.

I might be a little jaded when it comes to the main roster at this point, but I am so tired of seeing iconic wrestlers like Kevin Owens wasted. He has so much to give, but the WWE does so little with him.

KO on AEW would be a major upset for WWE, and a big draw for AEW. The brand is doing increasingly well, so why not risk the move to a rival brand at this point.

Kevin Owens has been wrestling for more than twenty years. So, if he wants to make the move to AEW, now is the time to do it. 

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