7 Wrestlers Who Are The Best At One Single Thing

Wrestlers best one thing

WWE, AEW and other promotions are packed with talented wrestlers who are the best at one thing.

While this list did make some good points, we do not agree with all of it. So, here is our list with 1o wrestlers who are the best in the world at one thing!

1. Chris Jericho: Effortless Humor

WhatCulture believe Jericho is best at reinvention. And while he has successfully reinvented himself, we believe he is the best at something else.

When we think of Chris Jericho, we think about effortless humor. From his feud with Kevin Owens to his title win at AEW, his promos were hilarious.

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In our opinion, effortless humor is Chris Jericho’s superpower. He has the ability to make you smile, even when he is a heel.

Wrestling is all about forgetting your reality and being submerged in another world. Chris Jericho’s effortless humor undoubtedly contributed to that over the years.

Of course, we cannot forget about Floyd’s recent comedic contributions. The list is out, but Floyd is in!

2. Matt Hardy: Creativity

When it comes to creative wrestlers, we do not believe there is anyone better than Matt Hardy. After all, he is the mastermind behind “Broken Matt Hardy“.

Matt Hardy is undoubtedly the best in the world at creativity. In fact, all his different characters over the years are currently used at AEW.

When he left the WWE years ago, Matt Hardy’s creativity gave him a big advantage. Shortly after his departure, he invented Broken Matt Hardy.

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Broken Matt Hardy was originally limited to Impact Wrestling. However, rumblings about this amazing new character soon went around the world. 

Some of my favorite moments included the fight with Smoky Joe Frazier (The Kangaroo), the fight with Bray Wyatt at the Hardy Compound, and Brother Nero’s fight with Matt.

WWE was keen to acquire Broken Matt Hardy and his creativity once more. However, they failed to do much with him in the end. 

AEW is taking full advantage of Matt Hardy’s creativity though. Watch AEW if you want to see everything from Broken Matt and vintage Matt to version 2.0.

3. Angel Garza: Sleaze

One name we agree with in terms of the WhatCulture list is that of Angel Garza. After all, the term sleaze is almost synonymous with the Angel Garza character.

You may wonder why Angel Garza received a negative connotation. However, we do not believe the term sleaze is necessarily a negative thing for Angel Garza.

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Plenty of iconic characters had an over-exaggerated character. The sleaze of Angel Garza is undoubtedly that. 

When you look at Garza, you see smugness, but also a heck of a lot of confidence. Angel Garza should go far with his sleaze persona, just as long as the WWE does the right thing moving forward.

4. Charlotte Flair: Confidence

When you think of female wrestlers around the world in terms of confidence, the name Charlotte Flair comes to mind immediately. However, Charlotte admitted that this confidence was not there from the very start.

If you look at Charlotte Flair’s earlier NXT work, it is clear she did not know who she was back then. But as she grew in developmental, her confidence did too.

Some people see it as self-importance and smugness, I like to see Charlotte’s character more as confidence. Charlotte is a queen, and nothing will change that.

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Of course, Charlotte Flair’s character is often a heel persona. Still, she does her best work as a heel. 

We must also mention that Charlotte Flair’s confidence is well-deserved. After all, no woman has as many titles and accolades in WWE wrestling as Charlotte Flair

5. Cody Rhodes: Respect

Cody Rhodes is a man who demands respect from colleagues and fans alike. The reason for that is not really his wrestling persona “The American Nightmare”, but the man he is behind that character.

The respectful nature of Cody Rhodes does often shine through in his current character. A recent match with Jungle Boy is just one of the moments that springs to mind.

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Another prime example of Cody Rhodes’ respectful character came in a recent interview. During the interview, Cody could have destroyed the WWE’s use of the Great American Bash.

While Cody did take a minor swipe at the event, he did not belittle the work of his colleagues nor the WWE as a whole. Other wrestlers would have said much worse.

In conclusion, the prize for most respectful and all-round nice guy goes to Cody Rhodes.

6. WALTER: Menace

While the WWE believes Brock Lesnar is the most menacing man in professional wrestling, we disagree. It our opinion that man is actually none other than WALTER.

Known as the “Ring General”, WALTER strikes an imposing figure. His character, presence, and frankly everything about him is menacing.

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WALTER is remarkably popular among fans, but WWE still has to capitalize on everything this man has to offer. Still, I prefer WALTER over Brock Lesnar any day of the week.

7. Johnny Gargano: Ring Awareness

Rarely have I seen a wrestler which such amazing ring awareness as Johnny Gargano. No matter where he finds himself in the ring, he delivers the most impressive wrestling spots. 

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Of course, ring awareness is just one of Gargano’s many talents. Sometimes, I do feel it is wasted a little bit at NXT.

Gargano has everything in him to become one of the most dominant champions the brand has ever seen. Unfortunately, NXT seems to flip flop him more than any other wrestler on the brand. 

Johnny Gargano’s ring awareness delivered some of the best matches worldwide. One of my personal favorite feuds was the one with Tomasso Ciampa. 

Because of his ring awareness, Gargano should go far in WWE or another promotion he ends up on. Unfortunately, I have no hope for the WWE’s main roster when he is called up.

For now, Gargano shines best in NXT, despite the lack of a lengthy title reign. However, WWE would be absolutely stupid if they did not capitalize on the amazing talent that is Johnny Gargano. 

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