
Hulk Hogan Banned From AEW By Owner Tony Khan

Hulk Hogan banned from AEW by Tony Khan

AEW owner Tony Khan made his stance on racism clear this week. After some racist statements from Hogan’s ex-wife, Khan added her and Hulk Hogan to the AEW banned list.

Linda Hogan Posts Racist Tweets On Her Social Media Account

Hulk and his ex-wife

The protests in America following the death of George Floyd have many people talking, including wrestlers and their ex-wives. To respond to the situation, Linda Hogan took to social media. 

Unfortunately, the statements made by Linda Hogan were far from acceptable. Here is the statement in question:

Linda Hogan posts racist statement on social media

AEW’s owner Tony Khan picked up on the racist statement made by Linda Hogan and banned her and Hulk Hogan on the spot. Even though Linda removed the tweet from her account when the backlash started, the damage was done. 

Why Did Tony Khan Ban Hulk Hogan?

Hulk banned by tony khan

According to Tony Khan’s tweet, Hulk Hogan was banned some time ago. While he did not provide a detailed explanation, the reasons for his ban are easily found.

Hulk Hogan always attracted controversy, from his unfortunate statements to the now notorious sex tape. These are just some of the most recent incidents that could have led Tony Khan to ban Hulk.

Claiming Coronavirus Is An Act Of God


During the height of the coronavirus crisis, Hogan claimed the world does not need a vaccine but God. In a now controversial post, he hinted that the coronavirus was God’s punishment.

Obviously, the statement angered the entire world, especially those who lost a family member or loved one to the coronavirus. 

Racist Outbursts

Hogan's racist statements

In 2015, recordings of the WWE star leaked to the world. The recordings did not put Hogan in the best light, as he made a number of racist statements during the recording. 

WWE distanced itself from Hulk Hogan, and even though it took some time, World Wrestling Entertainment terminated him. Hulk Hogan later addressed the media himself, apologizing for the comments.

“Eight years ago I used offensive language during a conversation. It was unacceptable for me to have used that offensive language; there is no excuse for it; and I apologize for having done it.”

Over time, the WWE invited Hogan back to the company. However, the damage to his reputation was done.

Gawker Lawsuit

Hulk Hogan Gawker lawsuit

Another incident that destroyed Hogan was the infamous Gawker lawsuit. In it, Hogan sued Gawker media, claiming he was filmed without his consent and that the film was leaked.

Hogan received $115 in compensatory damages and $25 million in punitive damages. The company he sued filed for bankruptcy shortly afterwards.

While the Gawker lawsuit put Gawker media company in a bad light, it did not do Hogan any favors either. After all, he was sleeping with the wife of his friend, who was aware of the situation.

Wrestling Promotions Avoiding Hogan?

Hogan banned by tony khan

While the WWE welcomed Hogan back some time ago, we wonder if his ex-wife’s statements will have consequences for Hogan as well. Will the company distance itself again from Hogan again, too?

Tony Khan’s response to the statements has received a lot of fan support. Even though Hogan was not responsible for the statements, fans cannot help linking the statements to his past.

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