
Bret Hart Knocked Out Vince McMahon Before Leaving WWE

Bret Hart knocked out Vince McMahon after Montreal Screwjob

Bret Hart wears his emotions on his sleeve, and this was once again clear shortly after the Montreal Screwjob in 1997. In fact, the WWE legend was so upset about the situation he knocked out Vince McMahon.

The feud between Shawn Michaels and Bret led to the knockout

Before we get to the actual knock out event, it is important to know about the events preceding it. If you are not familiar with the Montreal Screwjob, here is the general gist of it. 

The Montreal Screwjob 

Bret Hart needed to be dropping the title to Shawn Michaels

In 1997, Bret Hart was getting ready to make his move to WCW. The only problem, he held the WWE Championship at the time. 

Vince McMahon feared that Bret Hart would take the title to WCW with him. This followed a real-life feud between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.

The feud between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart started when Michaels disrespected the Canadian Legend. After finding out he would drop the title to Michaels, he approached the WWE legend but got an insulting response.

“Thanks, I appreciate that. But I wouldn’t do the same for you.”

Hart felt that Michaels disrespected him and it sparked a feud between the two of them. Hart then refused to drop the title to Michaels. 

Vince McMahon worked out a plan, forcing Hart to drop the title to The Heartbreak Kid. Working together with Michaels, Triple H, and referee Earl Hebner, Vince McMahon forced a submission and gave the title to Michaels.

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As you can imagine, Bret Hart was furious after this incident.

Bret Hart Knocks Out Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon got knocked out shortly after the match

Vince McMahon quickly hid in a dressing room with Pat Patterson, Shane McMahon, and Sgt. Slaughter when Hart came looking for him. Hart was patient though and waited McMahon out.

When Vince eventually came out, Hart knocked him out cold with only a single punch. Bret Hart remembers the incident well.

“It was the most beautiful uppercut punch you could ever imagine. I actually thought it would miss and go right up the side of his head, but I popped him right up like a cork was under his jaw and lifted him right off the hand. I broke my right hand just beneath the knuckle, and knocked Vince out cold.”

Shortly after dropping the title to Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart made his way to WCW. Unfortunately, things did not turn much better for Hart, as he was forced to retire from wrestling after suffering a concussion during a match with Goldberg in 1999.

Despite the problems between Bret Hart and the WWE, The Hitman eventually returned to the company in 2005. The WWE released a Bret Hart DVD and then inducted him in the Hall of Fame a year later.

During a recent interview with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hart mentioned that he now has a good relationship with Vince McMahon.

However, he also states that he won’t ever get over what happened to him.

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