
Ronda Rousey Offically Retires From WWE During Total Divas

mindset of ronda rousey

Fans and even WWE management have been speculating about a return for Ronda Rousey, who impressed each and every one of us with her natural gift for the business. However, after losing her title to Becky Lynch, Ronda left the company in order to start a family.

Many things have been written about Rousey lately. One of the most notable is that she would make a return to the ring. Her appearance during Total Divas now discounts that rumor.

“I Feel Like My Job Is Done”

Ronda Rousey

During the latest episode of Total Divas, Ronda admitted that she did everything she set out to do in the WWE. She also stated what we already knew, that she wants to start a family and is therefore retiring from the wrestling business.

“I made a decision about my future and life and everything. I’m gonna do everything that I can to bring a spotlight to the women’s evolution. Then, I’m gonna go have a baby. In a strange way, I feel like my job is done.”

There’s Still Hope For A Ronda Rousey Return

Ronda Rousey

It is important to remember that Total Divas is taped months before it is aired. We already knew about Ronda’s plans after her title loss, as she revealed similar statements in the media. However, the episode of Total Divas does not mention that she really misses the business.

One of the people who has stated that Ronda could make a return soon is none other than Triple H. In fact, he claimed that Ronda could be back sooner rather than later. Since then, speculation has been rampant that the former bantamweight could be in for another run.

Hope For The Main Roster?

Ronda Rousey

A return for Rousey would not only be great for the women’s division, it would be wonderful for the main roster as a whole. Despite the fact there are loads of talented people, WWE is treading water in terms of keeping fans.

I got into wrestling years ago because of my other half, who had a real passion for it at the time. As a lifelong fan, it was difficult to imagine he would have no interest in watching anymore. Unfortunately, that has happened. He is also in the 18-35 age group, the audience group the company has the most problems with.

WWE Losing Its Appeal

There is a moral to this personal story of mine. WWE is no longer appealing to many demographics. They would either need a serious competitor to draw people back and keep fans, or they have to make solid changes to their product. While the second strategy is the best option, this cannot happen without fans tuning in. As it stands, the company could really use Ronda Rousey. I’ve never seen such a natural and I doubt we will see one again anytime soon.

Still, even if Ronda does not return, we cannot forget about the women’s division we have. There are loads of women who are interesting to watch, ranging from Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss to Io Shirai and Candice LeRae.

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