
Will Vince McMahon Fire Jordan Myles In T-Shirt Controversy Aftermath?

jordan myles

Jordan Myles has caused quite the uproar for Vince McMahon lately. He claims that the shirt the WWE released to promote him is racist. While some fans agree, others think Myles is missing the ball.

Vince McMahon Is Thinking About Releasing Jordan Myles

Jordan Myles

Jordan Myles has caused some serious problems for the WWE, claiming the company is racist. Myles is not toning down his criticism of the company though, as he keeps involving social media and other wrestlers in the discussion.


According to Brad Shepard from ProSportsExtra, WWE management believes that Myles needs to be released from the company. While Brad Shepard’s information is not always reliable, it would not be a stretch of the imagination to think that Vince McMahon is a little upset with the situation and the negative attention it gave the WWE brand.

It does not need to be said that firing Myles could have serious repercussions for the company. Even though not all fans agree with the racism claim the wrestler has made, there is a big portion of fans who agree with the claim that the shirt is distasteful.

Titus O’ Neil Comes To WWE’s Defense

Titus O'Neil

Titus O’Neil has responded to the racism claims and says he agrees with the fact that the shirt was distasteful. He did mention, however, that Myles should not have vented his frustrations on social media or accuse the company of racism.

Booker T on the other hand did not mince his words as much as Titus O’Neil. He states that Myles’ claims are the worst he has ever seen on social media and that he does not believe it was a racist issue at all. He also believes Jordan should have talked to people backstage if he took offence to the shirt.

So, How Should The WWE React?

Jordan Myles

Honestly, as a white person, it is difficult to respond to all this controversy. I do not think the WWE should release Myles though, that would be an overreaction. Everyone has an opinion on social media, so the issue certainly became a really big problem for the company.

At this point in time, it would be best for the company to talk with Myles and to see if a compromise could be reached. While I personally have problems seeing the racism in the T-shirt myself, I can understand it might be offensive to anyone who has been the victim of racism in their life. Being white, I do not have to deal with racism, so it is difficult to put myself in that kind of situation.

One thing I do want to make abundantly clear. If Myles saw the shirt as racist, then there is a reason for that in his mind. It is something that needs to be discussed and talked about. Releasing Myles would only send a message to the WWE universe and wrestlers that there is no freedom of speech within the company. Vince McMahon needs to avoid more problems with backstage morale at this point, so a thorough conversation with Myles will be the recommended path to take. Let’s hope the WWE handles this right.

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