5 More Facts About Roman Reigns You Didn’t Know!

Roman Reigns

We love facts here at Ringside Intel, so we regularly update our list of important facts on your favourite superstars. Today, we take another look at Roman Reigns, providing you with some juicy facts you didn’t know yet!

1. CM Punk Did Not Want Reigns

CM Punk has a mind of his own, and the same applied to Roman Reigns when he was an up and comer. In fact, Punk wanted Chris Hero to rule The Shield instead of Roman Reigns. However, Triple H had other ideas and put Roman Reigns as the leader of the group. Triple H made the right decision though, as The Shield became one of the biggest factions in history.

2. He Would Rather Be Iron Man

During his Shield days, Roman stated he would rather be Iron Man than Batman. Naturally, considering the attire he wears, this was an interesting fact for the interviewer. When asked why he would prefer Iron Man, Reigns said it was because “Iron Man knows how to have fun.” I bet there are a lot of Roman’s female fans who would love to see him as Iron Man, so good choice Roman!

3. He Loves The Lights Of Hollywood

This fact should not come as a surprise, as his cousin The Rock has some extensive Hollywood experience. In the past, Roman has stated he would love the spotlight of Hollywood.

“if that opportunity comes up…I’m willing to try anything and gain a little experience in anything”

The opportunity did come up though, right when Roman had to take a step back from wrestling to fight leukemia. However, during his journey, he took on a role in one of the Rock’s films. Now, he has made the first steps in the big world of film. Look for Roman in Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw I have no doubt there will be more to follow in the future.

4. A 4.5 Star Match

A lot of people come down on Roman for his wrestling acumen, despite the fact he has a 4.5 star match to his name.

While there are certain problems with Roman Reigns‘ in-ring ability, more specifically filling in the gaps between his power moves, he did get a 4.5 star rating from Dave Meltzer in 2012. He received the rating for his debut, alongside his Shield colleagues.

5. Reigns Is Having The Same Problem as The Rock

Roman Reigns and the Rock are linked in more ways than one. They are cousins, but their WWE career is looking very similar, too. In fact, the most electrifying man in sports entertainment suffered the same dislike from the crowd as Roman Reigns did in the beginning of his career. Of course, this all changed when The Rock turned heel and joined the Nation of Domination.

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