Is the Rock Wrestling in Saudi Arabia?

the rock

The return of the Rock has been one of the most anticipated returns in wrestling history. That being said, the busy schedule of the wrestling icon might be putting a damper on his comeback.

At the time of this article, there are some rumors about the Rock and a possible return in Saudi Arabia. After signing a alleged $45 million deal with Saudi, the WWE is pulling out all the stops for the next show in November. Does this mean a return for the Brahma Bull? Let’s find out!

The Rock Says Yes

While the Rock has not officially confirmed his return, nor has there been an official report from the WWE stating he will wrestle in Saudi Arabia, Dwayne Johnson has been quite vocal about wanting to return to the ring.

During an interview in July, the Rock made various statements relaying his love for wrestling. Based on his interview, it is clear the Rock would contemplate an offer by the WWE to make a return.

“I can’t wait to get back into a WWE ring. Everybody always asks me what’s it like being in a WWE ring and I always tell them, there’s a lot of celebrities and athletes too, I say there’s nothing like it.” – Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)

Tip-Top Shape

The Rock would have to do very little to get himself in top shape for the wrestling ring. The Hollywood star looks more ripped than ever. He does not get older, he just gets better!

While his extremely jacked appearance would indicate a return to the wrestling ring, he is a Hollywood actor and promoter of more than one sports brand. The man needs to be in outstanding physical shape, so this does not mean he will be back in the ring soon. Still, a person can hope, no?

20 Million Dollar Contract

While his love for wrestling and his peak physical condition could indicate an eventual return to the wrestling ring, the millions (and millions) of Rock’s fans became even more excited when the word broke about a possible 20 million dollar deal with the WWE.

Ringside News broke the story that the Rock was offered a 20 million dollar deal to appear at an overseas WWE wrestling event which is believed to be the Crown Jewel at Saudi Arabia. Speculation went even further though, as rumors swirled the Rock would leave the event as the Universal Champion.

Despite the rumors, Bryan Alvarez from The Wrestling Observer believes there is little chance for the Rock to make a wrestling return. He believes the most electrifying man in sports entertainment is simply too busy to make an appearance.

Do I want to see the Rock wrestle? You bet! Of course, I will not hold it against him if he does not have the time to make an appearance in Saudi. Would it be a great surprise? Yes, it would. So, as a fan girl, I will secretly hope for a Rock appearance in November.

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