
The Best Wrestling Factions of All Time

Since we already covered some of the worst factions in wrestling history, it is time to cover the best wrestling stables! So, to discover some of the best factions in history, be sure to read on.

The New Day

Even though considered as a tag team, since there are more than two members, they are technically a faction! Even though the New Day did not start out as a popular team, their silliness and goofiness soon saw them as the number one faction on the entire roster! The New Day proves the Kurt Angle was right during his Hall of Fame induction speech, not taking yourself too seriously pays off!

The Bullet Club

I was a little doubtful to add this faction to the list or not. Yes, the Bullet Club is undoubtedly one of the best factions ever seen in the independent wrestling world, but recent events involving Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks have given the faction a bad name. Still, I cannot deny the big stars that belonged to this club, including Gallows & Anderson, AJ Styles, and Finn Balor!

Unfortunately, it seems like the Young Bucks and Cody Rhodes are only interested in making themselves look bigger by defying the WWE at every corner. Talented wrestlers for sure, but certainly not the smartest move.

The Shield

If I had to choose a faction that dominated the WWE like no other, it would undoubtedly be the Shield. The faction consisting of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns, took the WWE by force! The faction reunited recently as well, so there are more memorable Shield moments in the future.

But let’s take it back in time now and look back at some great CLASSIC factions.

D-Generation X

One faction during the Attitude Era made everyone tune in, more specifically D-Generation X. The faction was originally founded by Shawn Michaels, Chyna, Triple H, and Rick Rude.

The success of D-Generation X was undeniable and would later expand with additional members Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, and X-Pac. Out of all the wrestling factions mentioned here today, DX is my number one. Unfortunately, the faction disbanded in August of 2000.


I have to admit though, the thing that got me hooked on D-Generation X was the combination of Triple H and Chyna before the faction was created. Chyna was the magical ingredient and certainly deserves a spot in the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, it will take the persistence of fans to get her there.

The Hart Foundation


You either love them or hate them, but the Hart Foundation is certainly one of the biggest factions in wrestling history. The Hart Foundation proved that blood runs thicker than water, but the team is only remembered for their entertaining feuds and storylines. Still, the endless battles between the Hart Foundation and Steve Austin did keep viewers interested during the Attitude Era.

Which is your favorite wrestling faction? Let us know in the comment section below!

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