When The “Evil Twin Ref” Changed The Face Of WWF Forever!

Hulk Hogan is left in the minds and hearts of many wrestling fans. It is hard to believe that it was thirty years ago that the Hulkster got duped out of the title by an evil twin referee! Ringside Intel celebrates this moment in wrestling by taking a look back in history!

Amazing Storyline

Current creative writers at the WWE could take some lessons from the thirty-year-old storyline since it is still one of the most memorable moments in wrestling history today.

The rivalry between Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant was more than just a basic WWE feud. The entire program had a thorough background, a plot, and even a resolution that left fans satisfied; this is a stark contrast with some of the storylines provided by WWE writers today.

The Evil Twin Referee

Writers at the WWE come up with the wackiest stories sometimes, but none of these stories truly surpassed the evil twin angle WWF writers used for the rivalry between the Hulkster and the Immovable Object.

During the match, Hulk Hogan kicked out at the two count. However, the referee counted to three, much to the surprise of everyone attending the match. Shortly afterward, it would turn out Ted DiBiase had arranged an evil twin referee, putting the title on Andre the Giant! Only in professional wrestling people!

Introducing the Ultimate Bad Guy

The appearance of the evil referee and interference of Ted DiBiase did not only end the Hulkster’s impressive title reign, it also made Ted DiBiase into one of the top bad guys in the WWE.

If I would have to choose one bad guy that has delivered a consistent love-to-hate angle to the WWE Universe, it would have to be DiBiase. Even though much time has passed, and the fact that Ted was big before my time watching wrestling, he is still one of my favorite bad guys of all time!

Ted DiBiase represented the opposite of WWE fans at the time (World Wrestling Federation back in those days). Most fans were hard-working people who often needed to save months of their wages to come see the show. DiBiase flaunted his wealth and taunted fans at the same time. It is one of those things that is hard to replicate. He certainly had an angle at the time that got wrestling fans booing him with full conviction!

The Match That Had Everything

It is not difficult to explain why the infamous match between Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant was such a success. The match truly had everything. It included excitement, betrayal, wacky angles, and even comedy! The comedy was provided by Hogan after the match ended, screaming the following statements at Gene:

“How much money did they spend on the plastic surgery man?!”


“Never in my wildest dreams would I think I’d be ripped off by a penny-pinching, two-timing referee!”

All I can say is this, matches like this made the WWE what it is today. The effort into each aspect of this match paid off greatly, and so I will be remembered forever.

Do you remember this iconic match between the Hulkster and Andre the Giant? Let us know in the comment section below!

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