Alberto El Patron Verbally Attacks the WWE… Again

Not a week goes by without another Alberto Del Rio rant in the direction of the WWE and its management. His latest rant comes after the SmackDown Live rap battle between the Usos and The New Day, where a reference was made to the sex tape featuring Paige and Xavier Woods. Missed it? Here’s the juicy part of the rap battle!

Rant on Instagram

Next Tuesday, the WWE will be holding WWE SmackDown Live in San Antonio, Texas. Of course, their arrival has not gone unnoticed by Del Rio, who owns a restaurant in San Antonio and is quite annoyed with the recent rap battle featured in SmackDown. Here is what he said on Instagram:

His Problems with the WWE

The relationship between Alberto El Patron and the WWE has always been strained. Alberto El Patron signed with the WWE in 2008 under the ring name Alberto Del Rio. However, things went south when he left the WWE in 2014.

Del Rio would later explain in an interview why the WWE fired him in 2014. According to Del Rio, he was fired for standing up for himself after someone made a racist joke. Of course, there are always two sides to every story, but Del Rio’s claims caused quite an uproar amongst wrestling fans who were outraged about the WWE’s stance at that time.

Of course, Alberto Del Rio would make a return to the WWE at the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view in 2015, a move that shocked many wrestling fans. However, Del Rio Would leave the WWE again in 2016 after not being used properly in the company.

Finding a Home at Impact Wrestling

It is certainly no secret that Alberto has been looking for a permanent wrestling home since his departure from the WWE. Even though he did some excellent work for Lucha Underground, it seems like Alberto has found a permanent home at Impact Wrestling.

The arrival of Alberto El Patron at Impact Wrestling could not have come at a better time though, because the wrestling promoter has lost some major stars over the past year; this includes the Hardy Boyz, Drew Galloway, Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis, who all jumped ship to the WWE.

A More Flexible Schedule

One of the things Alberto El Patron has been quite outspoken about since his departure from the WWE is the hectic schedule each WWE superstar has to deal with.

“That’s actually the main reason I decided to leave WWE, the brutal schedule that you have when you work for a company like WWE. I couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want to be on the road for 210-220 days per year.

There’s no way I’m gonna do those dates because I also have my dates with Combates America, the MMA company. If I put all of those dates with you guys, I’m gonna end up doing what I was doing with WWE and that’s something that I don’t want. I want to be able to enjoy my ride. Of course I want to continue doing pro wrestling shows, but my time is for my family. So if you guys aren’t comfortable with this, I can give you this number amount of dates, and I promise I will give you my best.’ And of course they said yes. That’s the reason they’re happy with me. I’m happy with them.”

What do you think about the latest statements made by Alberto El Patron and his history with the WWE? Let us know in the comment section below!

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