
In the Spotlight – Lucha Underground’s Martin Casaus

Sometimes I come across wrestlers with a raw talent for the business. I’ve said the same about AJ Styles several years ago, who is now one of the biggest WWE Superstars. Now, I would like to point you in the direction of someone else who is worth our attention and support – Martin Casaus.

Work Ethic

One of the things I admire most about this Lucha Underground star is his work ethic. He’s so passionate about wrestling, something that is rare in this business nowadays. There are many wrestlers who are just in it for the money, but Martin Casaus shows a real passion for the sport and works harder for it than the majority of pro wrestlers in the WWE!

Getting into the wrestling business is difficult, but Martin Casaus has managed thanks to his work ethic and incredible passion for the business. Some wrestlers get it all handed to them, but Martin is certainly someone who worked his way up and has the potential to become a legend one day.

Eliminated Due to Injury

Martin Casaus

You might remember Martin from the WWE, because he was one of the competitors of WWE Tough Enough. He was one of my favourites at the time, but unfortunately an accident would see this potential WWE Superstar eliminated prematurely. I was absolutely gutted about this, because I saw Martin having a glorious career within the WWE.

The fact that this guy is really good could be seen during the competition, because despite his injury, Martin Casaus never ended up in the bottom three!

Currently Signed with Lucha Underground

Martin Casaus

If you follow Lucha Underground like I do, you already know that Martin is currently signed with this wrestling promoter. He debuted as Marty “the Moth” Martinez. His character has evolved considerably over time, which included an unhinged edge that is reminiscent of Bray Wyatt and Broken Matt Hardy.

Acting Career

Martin Casaus

To be a good wrestler, you also need to be a good actor. Fortunately, Martin has bucket loads of talent and has played roles on television and film. In 2012, he had a role in the film Vampired. He also played a role in Everwood and Barter Kings.

What I’m Wondering

Martin Casaus

I’m seriously wondering why the WWE didn’t sign this guy years ago. His talent in the ring is undeniable and he clearly has the acting talent to become one of the greatest sports entertainers. I also believe that his stint in Tough Enough was one of the most impressive ones I’ve seen in years.

So, will Martin Casaus eventually end up in the WWE or will he remain in Lucha Underground? I watch both, so I can enjoy this wrestler’s talent no matter what. However, I honestly hope he can get signed with the WWE in time, so everyone can enjoy the raw talent and high entertainment value this guy has to offer on the big stage.

What do you think about Martin Casaus? Would you like to see him in the WWE? Or are you following him at Lucha Underground at the moment? Let us know in the comment section below!

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