
Brock Lesnar’s Persona: Real Or Kayfabe?

I honestly believe that one of the biggest reasons Lesnar is so hated, is because his character is so believable. People not only believe Lesnar as a villainous heel within his WWE persona; but they believe this is how he is as a person, in real life. He breaks Undertaker’s 21 year WrestleMania streak (cleanly) and still can’t earn the respect of fans. He demolishes the face of the company, John Cena, at SummerSlam and people still can’t stand him. Yes, he’s arrogant, seems to lack any passion for the wrestling business and certainly wonders through different sports industries; constantly going where the money is. But is this the real Lesnar? Or is the WWE brilliantly capitalizing on the fans hate for Lesnar?

Bad publicity is good publicity and causing uproar with the fans, whether negative or positive is always a win-win situation for the WWE. Is the WWE building on the Universe’s hate for Lesnar? Are they now keeping him away from programming to further antagonize wrestling fans, so that when we do see him (eventually), and he potentially­­ wins, our animosity grows? Is this all part of a grand strategy that will ultimately unfold at WrestleMania 31?

When Lesnar defeated the Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX, WWE took note of the fans’ reaction. They stay up-to-date on what we have to say on the internet. Surely when the WWE decided to place that strap on Lesnar, they were most likely aware he wouldn’t be wrestling from October to December of this year. They certainly aren’t amateurs at running a sports entertainment organization; and they know how to get the fans going. The WWE head office understands all these factors equal gold. They have a hated villain among the fans, which exudes raw arrogance, and is now a champion that rarely shows up. And fans are outraged. Circumstance or script? Just a little food for thought.

Dorathy's been an avid fan of the WWE and sports entertainment since she was a small child. She attended... More about Dorathy Gass

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