
Brock Lesnar’s Persona: Real Or Kayfabe?

Most highly successful WWE legends in years past have brought a little of their own personality to their wrestling personas. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Ric Flair, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Shawn Michaels and The Rock come to mind. In fact, by adding a little bit of whom they really are to their WWE characters, many have sky rocketed to the top. Triple H is a fine example of someone who has evolved his character over the years, by adding a bit of personal circumstance into the mix.

With the fan backlash that Lesnar’s experienced as of late, I can’t help but dig deeper into the idea: Is Brock Lesnar for real? Is his persona one that is a true part of his personality, or is it a concoction that WWE creative has come up with, to further add hype to his character.

The lines are so intertwined. Now whether the “Beast Incarnate” is something manifested from the WWE machine, or a little of his true personality shining through, he has become one of the most hated villains in recent wrestling history. While we may dislike The Authority, we are all aware that their on-screen personalities are just that, characters. Seth Rollins has emerged as a heel, but the fans still respect his passion for the business. Even Bray Wyatt walks a fine line between being a heel, yet winning the fans over because of his talent. But with Lesnar, the lines aren’t so drawn in the sand.

Dorathy's been an avid fan of the WWE and sports entertainment since she was a small child. She attended... More about Dorathy Gass

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