
Is International Star Giulia Heading To WrestleMania 40?

We've been hearing about her for a good bit, but is international star Giulia heading to WrestleMania 40?

Giulia Heading To WrestleMania 40
source: @peps_wrestling, x, screenshot

We’ve been hearing about her for a good bit, but is international star Giulia heading to WrestleMania 40?

Read more: Discuss international star Giulia possibly heading to WrestleMania in our new forums!

We’ve long been hearing about the rising and talented star who made a name for herself in Japan. She’s been on WWE (and AEW) radar for a good bit. And, of course, she recently became a free agent. At one point, she seemed a lock for WWE, but then things got quiet.

Giulia Heading To WrestleMania 40
source: @peps_wrestling, x, screenshot

Until now. A post on social media has now gotten us speculating that the star is traveling from Japan to the epicenter of the wrestling world this weekend. As in, it seems as though Giulia may be on her way to Philadelphia, where WrestleMania 40 takes place this weekend.

So what do we make of this?

If she is heading to Philly for the big weekend of events, it would be huge news. And, you have to think her attendance in such events may signal that she has indeed signed, or will sign, with WWE. But here is my curve ball. What if she isn’t specifically heading to WrestleMania…but arrives at NXT: Stand And Deliver instead? To be fair, she is a massive star…in Japan. Like a good number of international names, she is largely an unknown to many WWE fans. I am not sure having her pop up first in at the Linc would go over strongly.

However…if Shawn Michaels went back to the old NXT TakeOver methodology? i would dig that. Part of the fun of those shows was the new talent doing run-ins, or the random new signing sitting in the audience (which is how most of us learned of said signings). Of course, the NXT show this weekend lacks a prime time slot, so maybe not. But…would WWE have her in a primo seat in the crowd and show her on night one or night two? Perhaps…and now we may have something else to watch for.

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