After NXT Appearance, RVD Promises One More WWE Match

Credit: WWE

Old school fans were excited but then bummed-so after his NXT appearance, RVD promises one more WWE match.

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We saw Rob Van Dam show up at the recent NXT Halloween Havoc special. That appearance set up RVD working the NXT show at the former ECW Arena. The way things were going down, it really looked like we’d get The Whole F’n Show in action at his old stomping grounds. While Van Dam did indeed appear, he did not wrestle. There was something set up, but nothing really materialized. Wes Lee attacked him in the back early on in the show, but thus far, no response. The way things went, you might think RVD couldn’t wrestle. Perhaps he wasn’t cleared?

Credit: wwe

But RVD makes a promise

One fan shared his disappointment on social media. The fan remarked that he was bummed that RVD did not actually work a match in Philly…and the WWE Hall of Famer responded.

So, a couple things to take away from that. Van Dam wanted to wrestle on Wednesday’s NXT special too. It would be interesting to find out what prevented the match from happening, or if there just wasn’t enough spots for more than what he got. But the bigger tidbit? RVD said he will be back. Given that he is under a Legends deal, he’s been around a decent amount already in 2024. Whether he returns this year or makes good on his promise in 2025, it does seem like he wants to work a WWE match again. And considering he still remains in insane shape for his age, why not?

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And there are some interesting options too. Most logical might be something between he and Wes Lee, given what went down. Then again, many fans have long wanted the ultimate team up-Rob Van Dam and former Superstar Matt Riddle. Of course that would require Riddle to be re-hired, but never say never.

Introduced to professional wrestling in the 1980’s thanks to Superstars and Saturday Night’s Main Event, John’s passion for the ... More about John Deegan

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