Wrestling Twitter 25: Wrestlers

Wrestling is a genre that generates tons of content, information, debate, and discussion. In the old days it happened in AOL chatrooms, then forums. Now the big conversations happen on Twitter.

“Wrestling Twitter” as it is called is a diverse array of wrestlers, fans, promotions, parody accounts, and pundits. From Roman Reigns ‘stans’ to fans of classic territory wrestling, everyone is represented.

We decided to compile the 25 best accounts to follow. This represents, in our view, a wide range of interests, opinions, and offerings. We have everyone here from hardcore fans to gif masters. We divided the 25 into four groups (Wrestlers, Creatives, Journalists, “ETC” ).

First up, let’s look at our favorite accounts by wrestlers!

Stokely Hathaway (@StokelyHathaway): Manager, Wrestler, Powerful Subtweeter

Stokely Hathaway is probably the hottest manager on the indies right now. There are rumors that he’s been on WWE’s radar for a while. He’s managed some of the hottest up and comers on the scene. On Twitter, he’s mostly known for his impeccable meme game and self-deprecating attitude.





Nick Gage (@TheKingNickGage): Death Match Legend, Convict, Punctuation Minimalist

MURDER DEATH KILL GANG. Are you gang affiliated? Nick Gage is. The deathmatch icon and ex-con is one of the scariest men in wrestling. He’s also beloved by fans who loudly chant his name (with an expletive middle name) whenever he enters the arena. His all lower-case stream-of-consciousness tweets are some of my favorite. He loves his fans, loves wrestling, and loves being “gang affiliated.”

Shane “Hurricane” Helms (@ShaneHelmsCom): Wrestling Vet, Comic Book Fan.

Former Cruiserweight and Tag Champion (in WCW and WWF) Shane “Hurricane” Helms is a legend in the ring and on Twitter! Not only does he share his thought on wrestling, he also mixes in a few thoughts on controversial Halloween Candy

Tomasso Ciampa (@ProjectCiampa): Follows no one. @s no one. Cares for no one.

NXT champion Tomasso Ciampa is the most hated man in wrestling. No one gets pelted with boos more. In an area of “cool heels,” Ciampa is hated by fans smart or not. So, of course, this sort of personal bleeds over directly into his twitter account. Ciampa follows no one and has an intentionally obtuse way of mentioning people in his tweets.




Mance Warner (@ManceWarner): Southern Wrasslin Superstar, Third Person Addresser

No one works harder or drops hotter takes on the wrestling business than the Mancer. Don’t believe him? Just ask the Mancer himself.



I’m sure we missed a few. Who would you add to the list? Stay tuned all this week for more of the #WrestlingTwitter25. 

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