
WrestleMania Preview: Seth Rollins Vs. (SPOILER)

Seth Rollins Wrestlemania opponent

Before we go any further, this preview contains a pretty big spoiler for Seth Rollins’ WrestleMania match. If you do not want WrestleMania spoiled, I suggest you stop reading this right here. Ok. Ready? Here we go.

The Backstory 

Seth Freakin’ Rollins has been a real loser over the last few months. The former WrestleMania main eventer has been reduced to the previous chance match after the last chance match to get his spot at WrestleMania. Amid a monumental breakdown, Rollins threatened to old RAW hostage if not given a match.

Meeting with Mr. McMahon, the chairman said he would handpick an opponent for Rollins. McMahon’s handpicked opponent will, according to every viable report, be a returning Cody Rhodes.

Cody Rhodes famously left WWE to begin his own wrestling odyssey. He built AEW and was the driving force behind its initial success and mainstream attention. Rhodes now returns to WWE to prove that he is the main event star and can be a leader in the world’s biggest wrestling company. 

The “Who Cares?” Scale

This match and Cody’s return be one of the most significant moments of the weekend. I am curious about what they do with Cody now that he’s back. I have a few ideas

Cody Rhodes is doing what you have to do if you want to jump into the main event in WWE from the mid-card. You have to prove yourself and make yourself undeniable before returning and destroying everyone. 

Rollins is the perfect opponent for a returning Rhodes. Seth is a WrestleMania stalwart, and there was nowhere else he could fit on the card. Far from being a doormat, this match will show that Rollins is the most verticle wrestler on the roster. 

I give this match 4.8/5 cares.

Who Will Win

It would make zero sense for WWE to spoil a huge surprise like this just for Rollins to win. Cody gets a big win, a big pop from the audience, and makes his way into a title match sooner rather than later.

Will This Be A Good Match?

Seth Rollins is incapable of having a bad match at Wrestlemania, and Cody has shown himself capable in the big spotlight. Expect this one to be a sleeper match of the night contender. 

Wild Card Prediction?

Many trolls and people who love chaos* have speculated that instead of Rhodes, Vince will handpick his son Shane McMahon as Rollins’ Mania opponent. 

I know WrestleMania is about sending the crowd home happy, but from a humor standpoint, there would be nothing better than Shane appearing as the entire crowd chants for Cody.

What do you think about Seth Rollins vs. (WHOEVER)? Let us know in the comments below.


Hunter Patterson is a writer based in Los Angeles. He loves writing about pop culture, popcorn, and pro wrestling. ... More about Hunter Patterson
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