Dakota Kai and Damage CTRL had a few problems, but now they are stronger than ever. But, will Kai be cleared shortly to compete inside a ring with her friends?
Will Dakota Kai Be Cleared To Wrestle Soon?
For Dakota Kai, her WWE run has been full of highs and lows. At one point, she was even released by WWE.
Her departure from WWE came during massive cuts as part of COVID. She showed plenty of skills, but never made it past NXT in her first WWE stint.
Then, Vince McMahon briefly retired and Triple H improved the product in a short time. One of his duties was to bring back wrestlers Vince let go.
That brings us to SummerSlam 2022, where Bianca Belair defeated Becky Lynch to open the card. After the match, both women were showing respect when Bayley returned.
And, she was not alone as Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky joined. Together, they go as Damage CTRL. Kai was rehired right before the show began and Sky had not been seen in months after disappearing from NXT.
After a good run, Damage CTRL seemed to be headed for a split as the two members seemed tired of Bayley. Then, Dakota Kai suffered another torn ACL.
As a result, WWE made quick changes. The stable is on good terms again and Sky even cashed-in Money in the Bank to win gold.
Plus, Dakota Kai is also back on TV. But, on Twitch stream, she revealed that she will not compete inside a ring until at least 2024.

“I do think it’s funny that a lot of people are like, she’s not injured at all,” said Kai. “Look at her walking around.”
“ACL injury, I haven’t even learned how to start running and jumping again yet. I think I’m going to start running this week. ACL recovery, especially for someone in sport, we use our legs a lot.”
“If I were a desk worker, I’d be back at work. Because it’s wrestling, I won’t be cleared until January.”
Despite all the setbacks, Kai seems to be taking it all in strive.

So, once Dakota Kai is better, will she find herself in the title picture?