Who Is The Wrestler Known As Co-Kane And Why Has He Become A Viral Sensation?

Who is  Co-Kane and why has he become a viral wrestling sensation? #cokane #independentwrestling

You can always count on the world of professional wrestling to provide an array of colorful characters that capture the imagination. One such character has been getting a ton of attention lately for some pretty interesting reasons, and his name is Co-Kane.

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On the independent wrestling scene, there has been a recent crop of wrestlers parodying WWE legend, Kane. Namely, they have been portraying different versions of his iconic attire from his first few years of action. There’s been Blue Kane, who uses snow instead of fire. At TNT Wrestling’s ‘Rainbow Rumble’, there was Gayne, complete with rainbow-colored attire to match the event.

But now, we’ve gotten the latest variant and he has taken the internet by storm.

Co-Kane Causes a Stir at JCW Show

At a recent Juggalo Championship Wrestling show, a wrestler by the name of CoKane was featured in a match. Since then, his antics have made him a viral sensation. As the name implies, he’s a play on WWE’s resident ‘Big Red Machine’ except he’s dressed in white and has an affinity for a certain recreational drug. He even goes so far as to use a wad of the stuff during his match to power up and hit his finisher, ‘The Coke Slam’, to pick up the victory.

The clip (above) has been a social media smash, getting upwards of 5.8M views on X. The outrageousness of the gimmick seems to have struck a chord as fans have been buzzing about it and sharing it on various platforms and message boards.

It hasn’t been a hit with everyone, though, as names such as Dustin Rhodes and Jonathan Coachman have spoken out against the character. Rhodes tweeted his disapproval saying, “This is disgustingly stupid. All involved should be ashamed. Work or not.” And Coachman chimed in on X stating it was “the dumbest gimmick I have ever seen in my career.”

But regardless of where people’s opinions fall, CoKane has definitely garnered a strong response from the wrestling community. It makes you wonder what type of Kane we’re bound to see next. Sugar Kane? Nova Kane? Citizen Kane? There’s plenty of gold left to mine from this idea, and I’m sure we haven’t seen the last of it.

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An unabashed wrestling fan and self professed movie fanatic, Jose has a lifetime's worth of knowledge and passion that ... More about Jose Maldonado
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