Even though the Raw tag team division should be flourishing, it is doing anything but healthy. With tag team The New Day moved to SmackDown Live, the Revival returning to NXT, and champions Hardy and Wyatt getting little exposure, it left me wondering what is going on with the Raw tag team division?
You Have the People, Why Aren’t You Using Them?
There is no lack of tag teams on the Raw roster, but the WWE seems to have little interest in their tag team division. Despite having Breezango, The Ascension, The Revival, Health Slater & Rhino, Titus Worldwide, The B-Team, Authors of Pain, and the Deleter of Worlds, the Raw tag team division appears to be struggling.
Humor Versus Serious Competition
One of the most significant problems with Raw is that WWE management does not take its tag team division seriously. While I have nothing against some occasional humor, it seems like the WWE have nothing but jokes for its tag teams.
Yes, there are many tag teams on Raw that use comedy as their angle, but this shouldn’t be the MAIN gimmick. I want to give you the example of the B-team. The former Miztourage use a combination of humor and impressive technical work. You could also say the same for Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy.
The WWE is so focused on singles that the Raw tag team division is forgotten. I believe there is a lot of talent there that could put butts in seats. They all have great gimmicks, but WWE refuses to put teams in big matches beyond gimmick battle royals. Why not invest a little more time in the tag team division? Build up some of the tag teams and make them look a little stronger when they eventually wrestle at SummerSlam!
Teams That Could Use a Boost
I love the tag teams currently on Raw, so I was hoping they would get a little more exposure. My personal favorites at this time are the B-Team, the Ascension, and Breezango.
In case of the Ascension, they were so dominant in NXT and brilliant to watch. However, the main roster has destroyed them, much like is happening with the Authors of Pain right now. The Authors of Pain is an easy fix; bring back Paul Ellering as their manager. The Ascension, however, could be a little more difficult, yet not impossible.
To restore the Ascension, have them start winning. Just imagine if you could pit the ‘NXT’ Ascension against the Authors of Pain. That would be a great match!
Despite their lackluster run on the main roster, the Ascension is still one of my favorite tag teams. All they require is a build like they had on NXT. So, I beg WWE writers, take a page out of the NXT book and put the Ascension back on the contenders’ map.
Which tag team should get a boost? How can the WWE solve their problem with the tag team division?