Fall is coming, so it is only natural that there are some feuds we would love to see happening. Let’s take a look at a few fantasy booking ideas we’d like to see WWE explore between now and Survivor Series.
Seth Rollins Versus Dean Ambrose
Even though I’m loving the whole Shield thing right now, secretly I cannot wait for a rivalry between Seth Rollins and a heel Ambrose. The WWE will have no problems building this feud since many of us have been expecting it for some time.
Initially, we thought Ambrose would turn heel to take on Seth Rollins for the Intercontinental Championship. However, the WWE had different ideas by reinstating the Shield. I love the Shield, so I have no problems waiting.
AJ Styles Versus Rey Mysterio
Both Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles are on my list of all-time favorite wrestlers, so a feud between them would become a dream come true. It is a fact that Rey is set for the WWE again, so a rivalry with Styles is the natural progression for this fall.
EC3 Versus Ricochet Versus Adam Cole
Yes, this is an NXT match, but boy would I love to see this. Interestingly, these three have been in the same ring before during the ladder match for the North American Championship. It became one of my favorite matches of the year, so I would love to see this again in the form of a triple threat.
Velveteen Dream Versus AJ Styles
I know Velveteen is not on the main roster yet, but I believe it is time. He has little left to do on the NXT roster, so why not pit him against AJ Styles for the SmackDown Championship belt? Yes, the man’s gimmick might annoy me to no end, but Velveteen puts on amazing matches.
Lita Versus Trish Stratus
It seems like I’m traveling back in time with this one. Still, with the arrival of the first women’s only pay-per-view, it is only natural that I’m considering a match like this in the future.
Lita and Trish have been making some special appearances lately, so why not let them have one more match together? They have put on some of the most brilliant matches in the past. I’m sure they could do it again. Tickets would sell in no time at all.
A Women’s Tag Team Division!
With the arrival of the Iiconics on the main roster, I think it is about time the WWE consider a women’s tag team division. If they want to represent equality, why not hold a tag team tournament for the women’s roster? Get some extra influx from NXT to make things even more interesting! Just saying…