Ric Flair Hospitalized – Manager Asking For Prayers

The future for Ric Flair

According to the reputable ProWrestlingSheet, a hospital admitted Ric Flair for heart problems. According to PWS’ sources, the Nature Boy was put into the into the ICU.

His manager gave the following statement:

“Yes, Ric is checked into a hospital for some routine monitoring. No, there is no reason to panic.”

Adding, “Yes, we’d like to thank his fiancé & the incredible hospital staff who are providing the best care. No, we cannot answer any personal questions. Yes, Ric would want you to go out and have a great weekend … Nature Boy style!”

In the early morning of August 14th, Flair’s manager sent along the following tweet asking fans to pray for the Nature Boy.

Mike Johnson from PWI provided a bit more on insight on the confusion and speculation surrounding Flair’s hospitalization.

Flair is currently hospitalized in Atlanta, GA, where he resides.  The belief is that Flair is dealing with heart-related issues, which were initially described as simply “routine tests.”  Since Zanoni’s Tweet, there has been an insane amount of activity among those in the pro wrestling industry with different stories about Flair’s health being passed around.

Since there is no confirmation on any of that information, we won’t report any of it.


We will continue to report only what is confirmed by sources. Also, we are praying for Flair’s quick recovery.

Ric Flair’s history of health problems

Flair has had heart problems that have sent him to the hospital before. The Nature Boy has lived a hard-partying, jet-flying, limousine-riding life. He admits heavy drinking has led to several issues with his heart. WWE and Triple H, in general, have been hesitant to put Flair back in the ring due to his heart problems and continued hard-living. Even during his heyday, Flair dodged health issues, mainly stemming from a horrific plane crash. Despite all he’s been through, he’s still a legend that fans and wrestlers adore and emulate. We wish Naitch a speedy recovery.

We will update this story further as more developments become known.

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