The saga of Alberto El Parton’s “domestic violence” altercation continues to get worse by the hour. Even though Paige tried to downplay the incident yesterday and blame it on an unruly fan, witnesses and Paige’s own family are painting a starkly different and bleaker picture.
Roy "Zebra Kid" Knight comments on his sister, Paige, and Alberto Del Patron @davidbix @SoDuTw @davemeltzerWON @WONF4W pic.twitter.com/4EDcsLc3rk
— Dynamic Battle (@DynamicBattle) July 11, 2017
Roy shared more on FB, via ProWrestlingSheet.
… and in the comments wrote, “We got pics from the last 6 months bro of her beating I’m glad she’s finally sticking up for yourself..the reason there fighting yesterday is cause my uncle on his last legs in hospital and he wished him dead.”
This is in-line partially with what Paige said about the incident. She did mention being upset with a family issue but blamed the conflict on a fan demanding a picture.
A Toxic Relationship
There are two sides to every story, but I am leaning towards believing the Bevis family. They have nothing to gain from getting Paige out of this relationship, so I don’t suspect they are lying. It is clear that Paige and Del Rio are not good together and need to be separated. I am not going to speak to why Paige felt the need to defend Del Rio. I’m not a relationship expert, and neither are any of the other commentators on this situation.
All we know is what we’ve seen and heard. This is not the first time Paige and El Patron have had the police called on them. Even when they were in WWE, police had to assist Paige after an altercation with Del Rio.
I think a lot of us thought the relationship funny, especially when Del Rio was going on his drunken rants against WWE. Now though, it is tragic. Relationships as toxic as this rarely end peacefully. Paige has a bright future and a lot more to wrestling to do. Del Rio is taking out his frustrations with substance and physical abuse. Ironically, Paige and Patron can get the substance help they possibly need from the people the Impact Champion seems to hate the most, WWE.
How the wrestling world is reacting
We’ve all watched this “private” relationship boil over into the public and it has revealed a lot of how fans treat their favorite pastime.
I saw dozens of tweets and posts mourning Ranallo leaving the WWE. I haven’t seen as much in this situation. I have seen a lot of “Man, they are crazy.” No. This is not a situation where both parties are at fault. Patron very clearly has a dominating power over Paige physically, psychologically, perhaps even financially. Her family is saying that Paige is essentially a prisoner who can’t escape. What then is our role as fans? Short of direct physical intervention, which I would not advise, we have to let Patron know that we don’t approve of his behavior.
We also have to show Paige that there is a way out of her. From the outside, it looks like she’s trapped in a dangerous relationship. We need to let them know that we won’t stand for this. This has moved past being a “private affair.” Paige is not just a public figure, she is a victim. We, as a society, are obligated to protect those who are most vulnerable.
This may be me just speaking a bit out of turn, but Paige, if you read this, it is OK. There is hope and there is help for you. There are places you can go and people you can talk to. You are a strong person. You’ve overcome so much already. You can get out of this and have a life and a career.
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