Monday Night Raw (7/29/2019): Recap & Results

Monday Night Raw (7/29/2019)

The Mix brings you Ringside Intel’s recap and results for tonight’s WWE Monday Night Raw (7/29/2019) broadcast. Show starts at 8 pm EST. Seth Rollins will take on Dolph Ziggler, a “Samoan Summit” will take place, and more.  Tweet and follow @RingsideIntel on Twitter.

Monday Night Raw (7/29/2019): 8 pm EST

24/7 Championship Match: R-Truth (c) vs. Drake Maverick

A bunch of stars surround the ring, being called the “mosh pit” for some reason, and the rules of the 24/7 championship have been suspended for this match. Those rules will go into effect again after the match. The mosh pit seems to be serving the same purpose as the lumberjacks do in a lumberjack match, as they throw Maverick back in the ring when he gets thrown out. R-Truth hits the finish on Maverick and retains the title.

Winner: R-Truth (c)

After the match, the mosh pit jumps up in the ring and they all pile onto Truth. Nothing can be seen in the chaos, but the ref suddenly starts to count and he hits the 3. Mike Kanellis ends up emerging as the victor and he runs off with the title as the others take chase. Mike hides in a room and locks the door. Maria Kanellis gets everyone to leave the outside of the door by acting like her pregnant belly hurts. Mike ends up letting her in after she threatens to kick him in his “vagina”.


Gauntlet Match: Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade vs. Cesaro vs. Ricochet vs. Sami Zayn

The winner will face AJ Styles for his United States Championship. Mysterio eliminates Cesaro first. Then Zayn comes out and Mysterio pins him with a quick small-package. Andrade eliminates Mysterio and then Ricochet is next to come out. Ricochet ends up hitting the 630 on Andrade for the 3-count and will face Styles at SummerSlam.

Winner: Ricochet


Maria Kanellis forces Mike Kanellis to get down and lay on his back so she can pin him and become 24/7 champ. He reluctantly agrees. She then goes waltzing through the corridors bragging about being the first pregnant champ.


Tag Team Championship Match: The Revival (c) vs. The Usos vs. Gallows & Anderson

After a back and forth tilt, Gallows & Anderson pick up the win and become the champs. Now everyone in The OC has a belt.

Winners: Gallow & Anderson (c)

After the match, Gallows & Anderson celebrate enthusiastically with AJ Styles.


Tag Team Match: The Viking Raiders vs. Jobbers

The Viking Raiders make short work of the jobbers, ultimately hitting a Viking Experience for the 1-2-3.

Winners: The Viking Raiders


NXT Tag Champs The Street Profits are backstage doing their thing and Seth Rollins comes up to them. They tell Rollins that the locker room is behind him in his match against Dolph Ziggler tonight. He’s got it coming for what he did to Shawn Michaels last week. They end up belting out a big “Burn it down” with Rollins.


Singles Match: Raw Women’s Champ Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss (with Nikki Cross)

Bliss ends up hurting her foot and can’t continue, giving Becky the victory.

Winner: Becky Lynch

After the match is called, Cross gets up in Becky’s face and the two have words. Cross starts challenging Becky to a match right now.

Singles Match: Becky Lynch vs. Nikki Cross

Becky hits Cross with the Manhandle Slam for the finish, while Bliss sits at ringside watching sadly.

Winner: Becky Lynch

After the match, Bliss run in and attacks Becky, revealing the ruse of her injury. Cross and Bliss both beat down Becky. Then Becky’s SummerSlam opponent, Natalya, runs out and puts Becky in a Sharpshooter. Nattie ends up leaving, as Becky writhes around on the canvas in pain.

Nattie ends up challenging Becky to a Submission Match at SummerSlam.


Singles Match: Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

HBK Shawn Michaels’ music hits and Rollins looks surprised but it’s Ziggler who come out doing an impression. Ziggler laughs at his antics and Rollins is furious when the match finally starts.

Ziggler ends up going for a Superkick but Rollins evades and hits one of his own. Then Rollins starts to “tune up the band” to pay homage to Michaels… But then Universal Champion Brock Lesnar’s music hits. Lesnar comes out and attacks Lesnar, causing the DQ.


Lesnar then proceeds to batter Rollins around the ring area, taking his time and punishing his SummerSlam title challenger. He hits an F-5 into the ring post, Rollins’ ribs slamming hard into the steel. Lesnar rolls Rollins back into the ring and grabs a steel chair. He hammers Rollins with a brutal shot and then sits on the chair, looking down and smiling sadistically at an agonizing Rollins. Lesnar drops Rollins multiple times with F-5s onto the steel chair. It gets to the point where Rollins has blood coming out of his mouth, as though bleeding internally.

Even Paul Heyman starts begging Lesnar to stop, and finally he does. Heyman’s face says it all, as he looks like that was too brutal even for him and he looks relieved that Lesnar stopped. Medical staff help Rollins onto a stretcher as he lets out guttural bellows and moans of pain. Lesnar gets to the main stage and hold the title above his head for all to see.


Rollins is being rushed to an ambulance backstage and Roman Reigns is beside him looking concerned. Then they wheel him off and suddenly a brawl breaks out nearby, as The OC and Samoa Joe attack The Usos. Reigns runs over to join the fray and battles with Joe. The ambulance is about to leave when Lesnar halts it and drags Rollins back out. Lesnar F-5s Rollins onto the stretcher and Rollins coughs loudly and horribly, struggling for breath and suffering an evident amount of misery as Lesnar finally takes his leave.


Samoa Joe comes out to the ring and announces that the “Samoan Summit” has been cancelled due to failed peace talks. He calls Reigns out to the ring so he can finish the beatdown he started in the back. Reigns storms to the ring angrily and they immediately start battling in the ring. When Reigns gets the upper hand, Drew McIntyre comes out and blindsides him. Cedric Alexander suddenly comes out as an unexpected ally to Reigns. Then the OC comes out and so do The Usos and it’s pandemonium. Alexander even takes a big bump off the top of the set. Ultimately, it ends up being Reigns, The Usos and Alexander who stand tall as the show comes to a close.


That concludes the recap for the Monday Night Raw (7/30/2019) broadcast.

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