Macho Man And Big Show ‘Wrestle Up Some Grub’ In Un-Aired Cooking Show Pilot

If you’ve ever wanted to watch pro wrestlers teach you how to cook, today’s your lucky day.

Reddit user JS-a9 shared a video Monday featuring never-before-seen clips from the pilot episode of “Wrestlin’ Up Some Grub,” a cooking show featuring Macho Man Randy Savage and the Big Show. The Bushwhackers and Brian Knobs of the Nasty Boys also make an appearance. Watch below:


According to JS-a9, his father produced the video and pitched it to the Food Network and WWE in 1999, but it sadly wasn’t picked up. He found the VHS tape “in poor condition, stored in a moldy storage unit.” He also said he plans to post the entire episode in four parts, but needs to fix the audio first.

The unearthed footage is definitely a gem for wrestling fans, but I can also see why it didn’t get picked up in 1999; I doubt there’s much crossover between fans of WWE and fans of the Food Network.

That being said, I’m sure there’s room for a WWE cooking show on the WWE Network. Hey, maybe they could get Emma to host it?


Would you watch a WWE cooking show? What do you think of “Wrestlin’ With Some Grub”? Share your comments below!

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