Justin Roberts Slams Triple H Again in Recent Interview

Former WWE ring announcer Justin Roberts recently wrote a tell-all book called “Best Seat in the House: Your Backstage Pass Through My WWE Journey.” Naturally, the departure of the WWE announcer would mean an exposing book, slamming Triple H, Kevin Dunn and JBL. However, it seems like Justin Roberts is not done, because a recent interview with Wrestledelphia Radio features Justin Roberts slamming Triple H once again.

The Quote

During his interview with Wrestledelphia Radio, Roberts stated that Triple H is not the nice guy or hero everyone makes him out to be.

Roberts stated: “It’s hard when you’re on the outside and you read things. We all see that Triple H is this hero among the internet. He’s the guy standing up for the wrestling fans, telling Vince to make this better. For us, internally in the company, we thought there’s a great chance he’ll be on our side and look out for us and try to help. Then you see him come in and clip the wings off certain guys and keep certain guys down. You realize he’s just looking out for himself.” This statement seems to solidify the current power of Triple H within the company.

The Hero Vs. The Villain

Nobody can deny that Triple H has done a lot for the business, despite the statements made by Roberts in his tell-all book. However, many former and current WWE superstars have stated that the experiences detailed in the book are quite similar to their own; this includes superstars such as Wade Barrett and the Miz.

When you look at all the “facts,” there is no denying Triple H has done wonderful things for us wrestling fans. Still, there does seem to be tension between Triple H and some superstars behind the scenes.

JBL Getting Heat

Despite the statements made by Roberts in Triple H’s direction, JBL is the one that is getting most of the heat at the moment. This isn’t a big surprise, considering the bullying allegations that have been going around for years.

The hashtag #FireJBL has been trending for a while and the movement is spreading across the internet after bullying allegations made by Mauro Ranallo. While I don’t support bullying JBL in response on the internet, I do support the movement to ensure WWE finally takes action against this bully.

During this week’s episode of SmackDown, it was quite clear WWE is looking at damage control, hoping for the whole thing to blow over. JBL was uncharacteristically docile and didn’t pick on his fellow announcers which he is famous for doing. Still, JBL being an commentator on SmackDown is a slap in the face to all wrestling fans who have been demanding action from WWE.

Will There Be Consequences?

Triple H’s position is pretty much solid, despite the rumors of wrestlers being kept down behind the scenes. However, the movement to reprimand JBL is picking up speed, since most wrestling fans are appalled a company that takes such as heavy stance against bullying is not reprimanding the biggest known bully within their own ranks.

What’s your opinion on the latest interview of Justin Roberts and the statements he made about WWE stars JBL and Triple H?

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