I’ve been saying for years that Chyna should be in the Hall of Fame. However, the WWE has been failing to deliver on that for many years. Now, it seems fans are becoming increasingly angrier, especially after the announcement was made that Jeff Jarrett is being inducted into the Hall of Fame!
Poor WWE History
Jeff Jarrett may be a well-known wrestler, he has far from a good relationship with the WWE. When Jeff Jarrett was the Intercontinental Champion, he demanded a large sum of money. The demand seemed to be a planned coup, as Chyna revealed in her book that Jarrett and Vince Russo tried to extort the WWE for $300,000, keeping the title hostage. Jarrett was later fired from the promotion by Vince McMahon.
Mended Bridges
Even though the induction of Jeff Jarrett into the Hall of Fame is an indication that things are starting to change in the WWE because of Triple H, it does leave you wondering why that change does not include Chyna. Yes, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have a bad history with Chyna, but I did notice they mentioned her a couple of times during WWE television; this included a mention by Stephanie during the first women’s Royal Rumble.
Why Not Chyna?
Given Jarrett’s track record with the WWE, which included holding the Intercontinental Championship hostage and running one of the WWE’s rivals Impact Wrestling, I am gobsmacked as to why Jarrett is getting a spot in the WWE before Chyna. Jarrett lost the Intercontinental title TO Chyna, even!
So, do I understand the anger of fans? You bet I do because I’m one of the angry ones. Chyna had her spot in the Hall of Fame denied for years because the McMahon family cannot get past their own public mistakes.
As you know, Chyna was seeing Triple H when Stephanie McMahon stole him from her (something the couple still denies, but many claim otherwise). Of course, that takes two people, so Stephanie should not be seen as the sole bad guy in this situation. The worst thing of all? Vince McMahon was aware of the affair, and could only say that ‘the game was up’ after Chyna discovered the affair between Stephanie and H.
Is management that afraid that the affair is going to be raked up again? Their squeaky-clean images damaged again? At the expense of an amazingly strong woman, you used to love H? I thought H and Stephanie grew up, but if Chyna is not inducted this year, I was wrong! They broke her with the affair and her treatment by the WWE. Now, they are breaking her again in death. Shame on you all!
Chyna did more for the WWE viewership ratings than Jeff Jarrett ever did. The woman was amazing in every way, even though she had some demons of her own to face during her career. She was treated horribly by Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Vince McMahon, who let her talent go to waste to meet their own selfish needs. Now, they are treating her horribly again by denying her the recognition she deserves so much. Rest in peace Joanie!
What do you think about Jeff Jarrett being inducted before Chyna?