Former WCW Champion Makes Dramatic Return To The Ring!

One of the most infamous, if not THE most infamous WCW champion has announced that he is returning to the sport of professional wrestling. Former WCW champion David Arquette, who won the belt by pinning Eric Bischoff, proclaimed on the Wendy Williams Show that he is looking to restore his reputation with a return to the squared circle.

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(via ProWrestlingSheet)

“For 18 years, I’ve been trolled on the internet and people have attacked me,” Arquette told Williams.  “I just want to bring some respect back to my name.”

Arquette is reviled by many fans who feel his holding one of the most prestigious belts in wrestling history destroyed WCW. Yet, Arquette has maintained a love and respect of professional wrestling. In fact, he never actually pinned a real wrestler for the belt. You can hardly blame him for going along with Vince Russo’s wild ideas. His title run was treated as absurd as it happened and was part of the promotion of the film, Ready To Rumble.

David “Magic Man” Arquette

Arquette is also filming a documentary about his return to the ring. Here is David Arquette explaining his training and how he will go by “Magic Man.”

Arquette Gets In The Ring!

As part of his wrestling return, David Arquette return to live action at Championship Wrestling From Hollywood (CWFH) He hit the DOUBLE STUNNER!

Good luck, David! 

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