News hit, timely enough this past Monday (before RAW), that WWE Superstar Bray Wyatt was splitting from wife of five years. The couple met in college, got married, and are parents to two young girls.
The reason cited for the split?
According to reports, Wyatt was (is?) having an affair with WWE Ring Announcer, Jojo Offerman. Offerman is 23 and Wyatt is 30.
Are these rumors true? Well, the news hit earlier Monday June 12th, and Jojo and Bray turned up to the June 12th edition of RAW (later that day), together.
I’m not going to dive into the personal lives of these two and begin to judge them. I don’t condone extramarital affairs or anything, but I adore Bray Wyatt’s character, in-ring technique, and work ethic. As for Jojo, I respect that fact that she was able to create and sustain a career in the WWE despite the fact that she couldn’t nor didn’t want to wrestle. One note about Jojo too, was I had the opportunity to meet her last November after a RAW in Toronto and what struck me was despite that it was cold, late at night, and she was tired, she stopped to take a photo and chat with my daughter; no other superstar did this.
Okay, so here’s the thing: clearly this entire ordeal most likely won’t affect Bray or Jojo’s job in the WWE. Especially since, right after news broke, these two decided to show up to RAW together. Jojo has a nice little stint going on as ring announcer, traveling the world, going to live events, and I’m sure there are other fun perks working with the WWE. Bray? Well, I know many within the WWE Universe (including myself) wish that he got more of a push – having a WWE World Heavyweight Championship title on his resume is not too shabby and he’s clearly a main event player on the RAW brand. A less of a push might be likely, but I doubt it. I don’t think Vince of all people judges anyone when it comes to situations like these.
Some WWE superstars have been able to balance family life and marriage on the road, but as we have seen in the past, many have not. I can’t even begin to imagine the strain of being away from home for most of the year can put on a relationship – for the spouse left behind to manage the house hold and for the spouse out there travelling crazy hours. And I’m not trying to paint a picture of Bray as a victim in the least – because at the end of the day, there are three sides to every story (his, hers, and the truth) and in this case there just might be a fourth: how the media is relaying this story.
Still, clearly, despite Monday’s shocker in the world of wrestling news, it seems business as usual. Live goes on: people get divorced, families turned into blended families, and the land of WWE storylines continues to roll on.