
Becky Lynch Is the Biggest Badass in WWE Right Now

Ronda Rousey might be the “baddest woman on the planet,” but only one woman is “The Man” right now. And it’s unquestionably Becky Lynch.

Anyone who followed the feud between Lynch and Charlotte knows that it was arguably the hottest program on either Raw or Smackdown. As Lynch prepares to face Rousey at Survivor Series this Sunday, she really upped the ante.

For starters, Lynch busted into Rousey’s locker room on Monday Night Raw and proceeded to try to break her arm.

That would have been awesome enough. It was a great segment.

But the “Lasskicker” was just getting started.

After leaving a wounded Rousey behind, as WWE officials screamed at Lynch as she barged out the door.

Then, as Ringside Intel’s David Dengis writes:

“Then “The Man” Becky Lynch’s music hits and she starts stepping out into the arena, where the Raw Women’s Survivor Series Team stands in the ring. The rest of the Smackdown Women’s Team appears and ambushes the Raw team. The Blue Team beats and batters the Red Team. But then Rousey’s music hits and she comes out with fire and fury. Becky ducks out of the ring as Rousey, with one-arm, takes it to some of the other women.

Rousey’s arm halts her momentum a bit and Becky capitalizes and smashes her with a steel chair. The Blue Team regains control and they all stand tall around the ring area. Becky cracks Rousey across the back with a steel chair and then leaves the ring. She talks trash as blood pours out of her nose, which appears to be broken from the melee. Rousey looks after her with rage as Becky and the Blue team leave. Becky, bloody-faced, looks back at Rousey and smiles and taunts as her music erupts over the sound system.”

And while Becky stood triumphant…

It was her face – that bloody face – that stayed with fans as the show went off the air.


It was BAD ASS.

And fans – and wrestlers – noticed.



Some are even calling Lynch the new “Stone Cold.”

Including Jim Ross!

Those comparing Lynch to Steve Austin at the moment have a good point. The WWE needs a breakout star that takes the company to the level of mainstream popularity it enjoyed in the late 1990s thanks to top stars like Austin and The Rock.

Austin got over with fans because he was a believable tough guy. Everyone loved the beer swillin’ redneck who would “stomp a mudhole in your a**” precisely because he was believable.

Yes, this was pro wrestling, and yes, we all know it’s a “work,” so to speak. ‘But that Austin guy, he’s not playing around!’ Everyone bought him as legit on some level.

Lynch has that same vibe. She has that “it factor” that is so elusive for many others.

Becky Lynch has proved this time and again for a few months now. She took the ball and ran with it in spades Monday night.

WWE – Becky Lynch is your next breakout star. Everyone knows it.

Now just give the fans what they want.

Jack Hunter is a political journalist who also is also a lifelong wrestling fan, who grew up in South ... More about Jack Hunter
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