As a woman, I could not have been happier with the announcement of the first women’s only pay-per-view. No matter the industry, the differences between men and women, are still quite stark. Evolution is the first step towards true equality.
Covering the Wage Gap Between Men and Women
There are many jobs where men and women still do not receive equal pay. It goes from news anchors to physicians and even surgeons. Not even professional sports escape it, with the US women’s hockey team refusing to play until they received equal pay.
The world of professional wrestling does not escape the payment gap either. In fact, it is a lot more difficult for women to move up in the ranks of pro wrestling, no matter how good they are.
There have certainly been improvements for women in professional wrestling, which cannot only be attributed to the female athletes who put on a good show and break barriers every week. It can also be attributed to Stephanie McMahon, who has been fighting hard for her women’s division.
Equality Continues After Evolution
I honestly believe the birth of Evolution came to fruition after the men’s only pay-per-view, which took place in Saudi Arabia. There was a massive uproar among fans both male and female, and even WWE commentator Corey Graves had some poignant points to make towards the sausage fest called the Greatest Royal Rumble.
Women may have put a step forward with Evolution, but will this continue after the women’s only pay-per-view? We may not like it, but WWE management still consists mostly of men. Yes, Stephanie McMahon is holding her own in this male world, but until even upper management becomes equal, I have little hope for true equality.
We have made steps in the right direction, and the uproar after the Greatest Royal Rumble certainly contributed to that. However, we cannot forget that the Greatest Royal Rumble will take place again in 2019, since the WWE signed a rather long-term contract with the Saudi government; this also means that women have to take a step back again next year.
If equality is truly important, putting on a show on Saudi Arabia would be out of the question, no matter how much money their government throws at the WWE. I do not dislike their culture, I just think we have come too far as women to be subjected to such prejudice in the workplace. Yes, the WWE has the right to put on shows across the world and Saudi fans are surely within their right to watch their favorite superstars. Yet, the woman in me is quite disappointed in it all.
A Lot Riding On Evolution
As a modern woman, I cannot imagine having my liberties taken away from me. I guess that is how it feels for all female wrestlers and even the female journalists who work behind the scenes. So, if the WWE is adamant to continue their contract with Saudi, I count on the fact they keep Evolution next year too.
Naturally, there is a lot of pressure on the female division right now, since the success of Evolution could influence the future of this pay-per-view. I wish everyone the best of luck and I look forward to watching a women’s only event!